Bold Existence Ministries


Welcome to BOLD EXISTENCE Ministries 😊! Here you will find words of prophecy/encouragement/teaching, released as led by the Holy Spirit. Some words are for specific groups of people, others are for general. As with any prophetic words you hear or receive no matter the source, always take it into your “prayer closet” or “secret place” (where you spend time with God) and ask the Holy Spirit for confirmation to see whether a word is applicable to you and your situation. God provides the prophetic anointing to encourage people, to build them up, to bring them comfort, to teach and train them, to bring words of warning and correction. All of it points to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. 1 Corinthians 14:3-4 (NKJV) But he prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. Be blessed 😊! Adele Grobler (Founder of BOLD EXISTENCE)



::: ALVIN ASSISTENZA COMPUTER - NOVARA ::: ASSISTENZA E RIPARAZIONI COMPUTER Mi chiamo Gianluca, Sono di Novara Eseguo Installazioni, Riparazioni e Assistenza Computer dal Desktop a Notebook/Netbook Con Salvataggio Dati e Posta Elettronica, nella tutela della privacy. Dalla Formattazione al prodotto finito e pronto all'uso ... Inoltre Faccio Assemblaggio Computer Personalizzati secondo le vostre esigenze; dal normale Computer al PC Gaming con spesa molto contenuta. Per chi fosse interessato .. Preventivi Gratuiti N.B.: Posso sistemare anche Computer Datati purchè funzionanti ... Non esitate a contattarmi: Per Info & Contatti: Email: WEB: by ALVIN ASSISTENZA © -----------------------------------------------------------------



::: ALVIN ASSISTENZA - SEZIONE GAMING ::: ASSISTENZA E RIPARAZIONI COMPUTER SEZIONE GAMING Mi chiamo Gianluca, Sono di Novara Questa è la mia Sezione GAMING di Youtube. Faccio Assemblaggio Computer Personalizzati secondo le vostre esigenze; dal normale Computer al PC Gaming con spesa molto contenuta. Per chi fosse interessato .. Preventivi Gratuiti N.B.: Posso sistemare anche Computer Datati purchè funzionanti ... Non esitate a contattarmi: WEB: by Gianluca ©



🦅 BOLD EXISTENCE is all about loving Jesus, loving people, building & maintaining balanced healthy lifestyles. We are SUPER excited to have you visit our "Wellness at BOLD EXISTENCE" Channel 😊👏!! We aim to bring you knowledge, understanding and tips, helping to equip you to live your healthiest life. This Channel focusses mainly on the physical part of wellness. Improving the physical side of our health provides a positive cascading effect for our mental and emotional wellbeing as well. Our other channel, "Bold Existence Ministries", focusses more on the spiritual aspect, developing your relationship with Jesus, although the two will combine as well. We have a mailing list for wellness, so if you wish to receive emails with wellness tips, sign up: **Remember to always consult your medical professional prior to undertaking any new exercise or eating regime. Have fun as you journey with us 😊!!


1 Follower

We live with 8 billion People on Earth. We need our Environment to produce Food for everyone, but at the same time we isolate ourselves from our Origins and Ancestors, the Environment and even the Agricultural Lands that are rapidly Degrading. All of this brings many challenges and even our health organizations are warning of a Perfect Storm, with many Challenges and Threats. The solution is simple and has always been simple and practiced by and in our Origins or Ancestors. In order to exist, we will have to know our Origin, hence the title "Origin for Existence". We deny our Origin and Violate and Degenerate the Planet. In this Channel it will be proven that our Origins lie with the Amazon Indians who helped Create the Amazon Forest, and now need the Amazon Forest and Our respect for it to live in peace. When you watch Videos from this Channel, it will bring you in Contact with Life, Health and Existence. Welcome.

A place of peaceful coexistence and balance.


Welcome to HarmonyHaven, your ultimate escape into a world of tranquility and serenity. Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of nature's gentle whispers and the calming cadence of harmonious melodies. Our channel is dedicated to providing you with a sanctuary of relaxation, where the worries of the world melt away, and you can rediscover a sense of inner peace. Indulge in mesmerizing visuals that transport you to idyllic landscapes, from enchanting forests to tranquil shores, allowing you to unwind and find solace in the beauty of the natural world. Accompanied by carefully curated soundscapes, every video is a journey into a realm of stillness and balance, encouraging you to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self. Whether you're seeking a moment of respite after a long day, a brief escape during a hectic schedule, or simply a space to rejuvenate your spirit, HarmonyHaven is here to accompany you on your quest for calmness. Subscribe to our channel and embark on a voyage of relaxation, where time slows down, and the serenity of the present moment takes center stage. Welcome to your haven of harmony. Regenerate