Attorneys On Retainer


The Attorneys On Retainer program provides the ultimate self-defense plan for responsible gun owners, and the necessary legal defense and financial support if you are ever involved in a self-defense incident. Owned and operated by the Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm, the Attorneys On Retainer program provides you peace of mind knowing that you won’t ever have to worry about funding your legal defense if you are charged with a crime (misdemeanor or felony) after a self-defense incident.

Michael Peroutka for Attorney General


I am seeking the Republican nomination for the office of Attorney General of Maryland. My reasons for doing so are more fully set out on my campaign website at but, briefly stated, I believe that unless the violations of Marylander’s rights to freely assemble, worship, speak, publish, conduct business, and make their own medical decisions, etc., are redressed and the lawbreakers brought to justice, we will not enjoy, nor will we be able to pass on the “Blessings of liberty” to our children.

Empowered For The Journey


"For in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28) You are not your Trauma! My name is Mindy and I hold a BA in Pastoral leadership, an MA in Professional Counseling and am finishing up my Ed.D doctoral work in the field of counseling and Traumatology. I have been a fitness professional for over twenty years and have been a yoga facilitator for over fifteen years. I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and ACE Certified Health Coach and have been trained in trauma sensitive yoga. My Labradoodle Sam and I are a certified Alliance of Therapy Dogs team ( and use Animal Assisted Therapy in trauma work. If you struggle with anxiety, worry, and depression &/or have been through trauma, any kind of trauma, you are NOT ALONE!! We have been made in the image of God and we are empowered as his creations to live life in freedom and strength. I hope you rediscover yourself and become empowered for the Journey- You ARE Worthy!

Legal Issues Answered by Attorneys


Attorneys.Media is an internet media company dedicated to highlight local attorney’s analysis of perpetual legal industry questions and current legal issues through personal interviews. It is the best way the public can find attorneys and get answers. Technology has forever changed the world of business. The combination of internet usage for consumer purchase decisions, ever-evolving search results based on relevant content, exploding distribution channels (social media), combined with mobile devices, and decreasing costs of hardware and software has made a video presence not just advantageous, but a necessity. The public can hear attorneys speak about issues important to their situation. They can make up their mind about attorney services and not rely solely on “online reviews”. The public can make their own decisions about…. I like this person; I like the way he or she comes across when explaining the issues…. I think I can trust them.