100 FollowersAndroPlay
35 FollowersNintendo and Android GamPlays
32 FollowersAndromeda 97
23 FollowersMusic can be a powerful tool to help improve sleep quality. Many studies have shown that listening to soft and relaxing music before bed can help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing the body to relax and prepare for sleep. Sleep music can help induce a state of relaxation, lower blood pressure, and decrease heart rate. This can help calm the mind and prepare the body for deeper and more restorative sleep. Additionally, music can help mask external noises that may disturb sleep, such as traffic or neighborhood noises. This can help maintain a quieter and more peaceful sleep environment. In summary, sleep music can offer a range of mental and physical health benefits, helping to improve sleep quality. Try incorporating soft and relaxing music into your bedtime routine and feel the difference in your sleep and overall well-being. Support Our Channel: If you value the content we share and wish to contribute to the continuous growth of the Andromeda channel, please consider supporting us. Every contribution makes a big difference and helps us bring more relaxing and inspiring content to you. - Bitcoin (BTC): bc1q65sp07gskezdhk08s2ru08e00d7fpmwf42sf4u
21 FollowersDr.Andrzeja Kuźmickiego sekrety psychologii nieświadomości - archetypy, mity, symbole i przemiana psychiczna.
16 FollowersDr.Andrzeja Kuźmickiego sekrety psychologii nieświadomości - archetypy, mity, symbole i przemiana psychiczna.
👽 Zeta Andromeda 🛸
14 FollowersAndromedaGalaxy
4 FollowersMany Random Videos About Many Random Ideas
4 FollowersAndromeda77
3 FollowersEarth to Andromeda
2 FollowersWelcome to 'Earth to Andromeda,' your cosmic gateway to a universe of wonders! On this channel, embark on a mesmerizing journey through the vast expanse of space, as we unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. From captivating visuals of celestial phenomena to in-depth explorations of distant galaxies, our videos are designed to inspire awe and curiosity about the universe we call home. Join us as we bridge the gap between Earth and Andromeda, delving into the marvels of astronomy, space exploration, and the breathtaking beauty that lies beyond our atmosphere. Subscribe for a front-row seat to the cosmic spectacle – where the mysteries of the stars come to life!"
2 FollowersSesje Telepatyczne Informacyjno-Badawcze „Andromeda i Nowa Ziemia” (do 2020 roku „Andromeda Ujawnienie”). Dzielę się z Wami mili widzowie fragmentami sesji telepatycznych, jakie przeprowadzam od wielu lat. Być może zainspirują Was w waszym rozumieniu rzeczywistości. Zdolności telepatii połączonej z wewnętrznym widzeniem, intuicji oraz wysoki poziom empatii odkryłam w sobie i doskonalę od 1990 roku. Poszerzam moje zrozumienie rzeczywistości, świata subtelnego i ludzkich możliwości, dzięki osobistym doświadczeniom, codziennej praktyce medytacji, a także zdobytym kwalifikacją oraz doświadczeniu w kilkudziesięciu metodach uzdrawiania ( Bioenergoterapia, Hipnoza regresyjna, Ustawienia Rodzinne). \r\n„Zawsze otrzymujemy znacznie więcej niż to, co dajemy\' - David R. Hawkins. \r\nKontakt: \r\n
2 FollowersAndromedaJG
1 FollowerAndromedaWay
1 FollowerAndroPlay
1 FollowerAndromeda Way
1 FollowerAndromeda Way is a Concept (AWC) for providing consistent knowledge about important aspects of LIFE as well as assuring that knowledge, its use cases and the systems build with it are thoroughly and well thought, so people would not be hurt in any possible way, except the pain that teaches us!
1 FollowerAndromeda001
1 Followergalaxyandromeda
1 FollowerDreamHartleyandromeda
1 FollowerVideoAndromeda
1 FollowerAndromeda55
1 FollowerAndromedaSideGangsters
1 FollowerAndromedaPass
0 FollowersAndromedanebulagaming
0 FollowersMany of us like to play games and here we just play many different games not just for fun but to keep them alive :)
0 Followersfunny