The Book of Hebrews by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Verified


Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale, CA. For more of Pastor Scott\\\'s teaching 24x7, visit her website at \\n\\nCall 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to let Pastor Scott know you\\\'ve watched the teaching. She appreciates getting messages from viewers and will often read them during live broadcasts. \\nFollow Pastor Scott on Gab at\\n\\nDownload Pastor Scott\\\'s "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store. \\n\\nPastor Scott can also be seen on Roku on the "Understand the Bible?" channel. For more information visit

Dr. Daniel Fox


Welcome to my YouTube channel and I hope you find it a positive influence to help manage and overcome mental health difficulties. This channel is for individuals diagnosed with personality disorders and mental health providers working with individuals diagnosed with personality disorders. *****Please Read***** If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger or in need of emergency services, please call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency room. If you are thinking of harming yourself, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255.

"There exists no Truth Higher than Truth.onion!", ~Reza G. #theindigoflame


(will change later ! need a WinOS VPN!??? ---> ) Seeeeew.... #Dorood. 1st things first ---> Title = Badge Request! Admin Access Needed ☓ 📛☓👁‍🗨 Beam Me Up as You Had Promised to! ✅ &.... My Request = make me a moderator. You know who I am. Thanks. check these links in case you don't Remember me from !!! ---> @bihan = 🆔 and... sorry guys! I haven't been on Discord at All Lately! I'm... Dying Here in Iran Alone and... Nevermind. Read : 📧---> <---📧 ---> it's Reza G.⚡Just Testing This Thing! it Works Good. Thanks! Follow me All Over The Internet. ---> <--- ---> <--- ---> <--- ---> <--- ☀-Note: --> just send me an SMS or Call Me Already : ---> || +989332220298 || +989157082678 || +989379077603 || <--- it's 8:26 PM 2024-09-22 +3:30 GMT Iran, Mashhad ✅☓✅ My Location ---> <--- this Video's Direct Link : ---> this Video's Embed Code (Y'all Better Learn These Kinda Stuff !) ---> <iframe class="rumble" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here's #its Monetized Embed Code ---> <script>!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");</script> <div id="rumble_v5dn0ol"></div> <script> Rumble("play", {"video":"v5dn0ol","div":"rumble_v5dn0ol"});</script> I have to Repeat : Check All that Happened to me since April 16th till now on #Telegram ! Save Both ::: +989157082678 ☓ +989332220298 ✅ NOTE: if you want me to upload content here... just get out of my way ! I am nothing like what I used to be back then being the no.1 here ---> & all that ! You Cannot Stop Me Now. Don't Even Try to ! and I ask all friends to Follow Me and Stay in Touch !!!



Welcome to Curio Trove mine. This is not just an ordinary channel it is a mine of facts here you will find amazing facts, unique facts, Random facts, and mind-blowing facts that are worth more than gold, So Use your fingers as tools to dig deep into this mine of knowledge of facts and get your gold by watching our videos. and Don't forget to share our videos with your loved ones - it's absolutely free for everyone. We appreciate your love and support, and thank you a million times over for being a part of our community!

Palestras Traduzidas


Bem vindo ao canal "Palestras Traduzidas". Assista palestras técnicas e culturais em Português do Brasil. Considere nos apoiar através do Patreon: A grande maioria das palestras permitem a reutilização do conteúdo (Creative Commons BY-SA), e seguimos a mesma licença para os vídeos do nosso canal. Se a palestra estiver sobre a licença comum do YouTube, temos a autorização escrita dos autores para a reutilização. Fique a vontade para compartilhar vídeos desse canal em sua aula ou curso, ou para amigos que se interessam. Várias palestras aqui estão com voice-over em Português do Brasil. Chamamos aqui no canal de "DUBLADO", embora reconheçamos que "dublagem" é uma técnica diferente do voice-over. Sempre que possível disponibilizamos uma versão legendada também. Tem alguma palestra que você quer ver traduzida aqui no canal? Fique à vontade para entrar em contato!

Commander Radix


Hey, I'm Commander Radix (or primusprime22). I'm a Christian who enjoys things like reading about history and philosophy, Transformers, watching anime, and studying languages in his free time. This channel is a place where I can talk about, analyze, or teach about my hobbies and interests. Our flagship series is Transformers Lore, where we dive into the storylines, events, characters and more about the world of the Transformers franchise and related areas (mostly focusing on the 1984-2015 Multiverse). I also stream sometimes! I also make commentaries, vlogs, gameplay videos, videos on my fan fiction and writings, and basically just videos on topics I am interested in so you can get to know me more. Welcome to the channel and I hope you enjoy your stay! I also make videos on things like history, mythology, and philosophy on my second channel, Radix the Lorekeeper!