The Italian Way - Art & Lifestyles Journeys


An iconic video magazine created by Simona Cochi, an Italian journalist and international ambassador based in Milan. Simona unveils the exclusive features of the most relevant events about Art, Lifestyle, Design, Fashion, and more. Art interviews are one of the keys to be seduced by "The Italian Way" project. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism. This editorial project has been conceived on Simona return after a year and a half of work and research in different European capital cities and iconic outposts. Simona Cochi can claim international working experiences and an academic track record. In 2018, during her experience as a video blogger in Vienna's museums, her definitive inspiration for surrealism was ignited through the work on the Man Ray's show at the Kunstforum. Further creativity and motivation have been enhanced thanks to the researches on Sigmund Freud, the other eminent Austrian's figure with significant traces of his life and works in Vienna. The video journey started as "The Austrian Way" inside the magnificent art shows in the capital city: Monet, Picasso, Gustav Klimt, Keith Hearing, Florentina Pakosta, and more. The beauty of a work resides in its visionary strength, in its celebratory capacity, in the alienating effect it arouses and this is what the spontaneity of the author often manages to convey. The creative gesture of "direct capture" (the camera like a brush) blends different and transversal elements and draws on the visual heritage, the digital, the sound in a field with still unexplored possibilities but which has the characteristics of a 21st-century Surrealism.

Treatments for diabetes disease


Managing diabetes can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Our channel is dedicated to exploring alternative treatments for diabetes. Our team of experts provides information on natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications that can help you manage your diabetes and improve your overall health. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for years, join us as we share tips and insights to help you live a healthier life.

SlavikLife | Мировые новости, политика - БЕЗ ЦЕНЗУРЫ!


Срочные новости в прямом эфире, политика! Война на Украине, Сектор Газа. Выступление военных аналитиков и интервью. Эфир 09.02.2024 Обсуждение мировых геополитических событий. Срочные новости с фронта Украины и Сектор Газа. Выступление ведущих военных экспертов: Скотт Риттер, Судья Наполитано, Полковник Дуглас Макгрегор, Джексон Хинкл, Такер Карлсон и многие други аналитиков! Военная комната и обсуждение войны в прямом эфире с автором канала. #новости #политика #сми #сво #россия #сша #украина Вся информация предоставленная в данном ролике опубликована исключительно в развлекательных целях и является личным суждением автора, она не является рекомендацией, а так же не претендует на достоверную, любые совпадения случайны. Если Вам понравилось видео или мое творчество, то лучший способ сказать СПАСИБО, поставить ЛАЙК под этим видео и ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ ;) Так же Вы можете поддержать мои проекты донатом или переводом ;): Донаты: Россия: 5536 9138 7940 4032 Казахстан: 4463 7555 5206 4819 ОАЭ и Мир: 4439 1372 4522 1679



**Channel name rebranded Sept 2022* This channel used to be called "Ho0ked on Fishing" These are my personal adventures fishing creeks, rivers, lakes, ponds and anywhere else fish might live. Mostly I fish freshwater in my home state of Va, but that may change over time. I try to share what I am doing, where I am doing it, and how I am doing it, whenever possible. I want everyone to know and learn about the joys of fishing, and the value of conservation of fishing availability. I hope you enjoy my adventures and/or learn something along the way. Please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching!