Scoop On Stuff


Hello, parents, families, hobbyists and friends! Welcome to our channel! Our channel specializes in helping our viewers make educated purchasing decisions. As consumers, if you'd rather not rely on product packaging alone to determine if you should invest in a purchase, browse our list of reviews to see if we have a video revealing more in-depth details of that item! We would love to help you better understand the products you are considering spending your hard-earned money on! We share up-close reveals, real reviews and our personal opinions on products to help parenting consumers, hobby collectors and others make educated purchasing decisions about family-related retail products. Our content also includes occasional shopping vlogs, home, holiday or family crafting ideas, how-to-assemble videos, fun shorts, and more! Stop by our channel anytime you need more Scoop on Stuff! For Business Inquiries Contact:



(What this Channel is all about??) I'm fed up of these Industries being disgustingly cruel to animals. There Are No Health Benefits To Animal Products, as long as you live a healthy vegan lifestyle. How do you think animals get their nutrients in the first place?? 99% of animals are Factory Farmed. There very shot lifes is nothing but exploitation and misery People think they know everything but actually don't even have any idea about it. .. There are so many dark secrets the meat, dairy, and egg industry really don't want you to know, they are such a evil greedy and cruel industry, and I'm here to help to expose them, and spread more awareness #AnimalRights .. These Industries are incredibly outdated and needs to be put to an end.

Universidade dos Dados

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Meu nome é Yukio, sou Matemático, mestre em Economia e atuo como cientista de dados. Sou ex-Itaú, HSBC, Vivo, GetNinjas e Digital House. Na internet, falo do tema desde 2016. Comecei no blog Depois comecei a escrever no Twitter, @unidosdados. Agora, além dessas redes, tenho postado muito conteúdo no Instagram, @universidadedosdados. Em todas as redes, o foco é falar de Ciência de Dados, Machine Learning, Inteligência Artificial, Python, R, SQL e SAS. Enfim, tudo que gira em torno deste universo dos dados. Todos os conteúdos são gratuitos.