235 Followersmrnastop
228 FollowersTheDeepLink Vaccini e Vaccini mRna
69 FollowersI danni del Vaccino, sono molteplici e gravisimi
Mr. Nate Books
34 FollowersA book collection for all ages -- children to education -- reading the world differently!
26 FollowersDoctors for Patients UK Pause mRNA Vaccine
16 FollowersUK Doctors Call For Government To Urgently Pause and Investigate the Use of Novel mRNA Covid Vaccines
8 FollowersMrNares
7 FollowersThe Safety and Efficacy of Covid Vaccines is Vitally Important for Our National Security
5 FollowersAll knowledge is based on testing one’s ideas and knowing the logic to support them.
Lovely Animals
5 FollowersSee them with lovelyEyes