Irish Patriots & Freedom Fighters


Freedom is a condition which can be lost and won and lost again. Nationality is as a life which, if once lost, can never be recovered. - Patrick Henry Pearse / Pádraic Pearse A channel for all free Irish, the brave ones who are opposed to this world of rules, regulations, lockdowns, and pandemic fear-mongering in search of freedom, unity, and a common way of refusal. Together we stand, divided we fall. For all those who want free sovereign Ireland co-existing with Europe and the world on an equal basis, not as their blindly following servant. For those who want to make a stand and take back their right to Irish constitutional protected civil liberty and to earn a living. For the country that stands for freedom, self-sustainability, law, and order. For the country that cares about its citizens, its families, and its children. For the country that is against corruption, globalism, poverty, and lawlessness. For the country that respects its Constitution, social justice, personal responsibility, human rights, businesses, culture, and heritage. By exposing the global agenda we want to educate the people and make them realize that governments are public servants, not authority. We the people are the true authority! Only through a united effort and understanding the geopolitics can we defeat the oppression that is being forced upon our country. We must shake off the depression this has caused. This channel is determined to inspire, unite and empower people everywhere. We can support each other to end the repression created through this scaremongering of the collective, to rediscover our lost connections with one another, rebuild broken societies and revive our spirituality. It shares what is inspiring, what rises vibrations, what motivates, what builds solidarity and compassion to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom. A channel against the cult mentality and belief in governmential superior master class that has the right to command others. ... but we have a weapon more powerful than any in the whole arsenal of their British Empire and that weapon is our REFUSAL. Our REFUSAL to bow to any order but our own, any institution but our own. - Michael Collins

O Cabeleireiro


Fala pessoal, Ley Bonsucesso aqui!!! Sou um cabeleireiro técnico e educador. Apaixonado pela minha profissão, venho de uma família de profissionais de beleza que está espalhada pelo interior de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Em 2003 me formei em Londres Inglaterra na Tony & Guy Academy anos mais tarde me formaria em Tricologia/Cosmetologia/Colorimetria e Terapia Capilar. Hoje atendo em três lugares em dois estados diferentes. Decidi abrir esse canal e compartilhar meus conhecimentos e aprendizagens dessa vida de beleza com vocês. Atingi os 350 alunos dentro de uma plataforma de cursos que trabalhamos para ajudar as pessoas. Com esse crescimento resolvemos trazer as técnicas para ajudar aqueles que querem entrar para essa profissão tão maravilhosa que é ser profissional da Beleza! Sejam mais que bem vindos a esta família!!! SIGAM TAMBÉM: @leybonsucesso no Instagram e não deixe de se escrever para ajudar a ajudar mais e mais pessoas. Deus Abençoe a todos e Let’s Gooo!