Organic Consumers Association Verified


OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. We address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, health freedom, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics.

Associated Christian Television


Associated Christian Television (ACTS), acknowledges the vital role, importance and influence on the general public of television, radio, internet, social media and streaming platforms as well as other emerging technologies of mass communication. The goal of ACTS Board of Directors is to foster and encourage excellence in Christian broadcasting by establishing and maintaining high standards with respect to content, method of presentation, speakers, qualifications and ethical practices.

Zašto Čista Istina


Na ovom kanalu se objavljuju SEMINARI i javne PROPOVJEDI koje drži LORENS NOVOSEL Apostol Isusa Krista. Nove Propovjedi se dodaju gotovo svakodnevno. --------------------------- Božanske Objave Čiste Istine otkrivene su kroz unutrašnji glas Berthi Dudde u skladu s obećanjima iz Ivana 14:21 14:26 16:12-13 16:25 ISUS osobno, kao sama Istina, nam otkriva čistu i kompletnu Istinu o SVEMU. Glavne teme objava su: * Priroda Boga (Bog je Ljubav) * Stvaranje: duhovno i materijalno (široka perspektiva="Velika slika") * Vječni Plan Iskupljenja palih duhova (povratak k Bogu) * Manifestacija Boga u Isus Kristu (postajanje Boga čovjekom) * Posljednji Dani (najava Kraja svijeta i Posljednjeg Suda) --------------------------- Misiju proglašavanja Čiste Istine, na prostorima našeg govornog područja, vodi APOSTOL ISUSA KRISTA: Lorens Novosel On this channel are TITLED SEMINARS held by LORENS NOVOSEL the Apostle of Jesus Christ. ------------------------------- Divine Revelations of Pure Truth revealed through the Inner Voice to Bertha Dudde in accordance with the promises of John 14:21, 26 & 16:12-13, 25 ISUS personally, as the Truth itself, reveals the pure and complete Truth about EVERYTHING. The main themes of this revelation are: * Nature of God (God is Love) * Creation: Spiritual and Material (Wide Perspective = "Great Picture") * Eternal Plan of Redemption of the fallen beings (Return to God) * Manifestation of God in Jesus Christ (God becoming a man) * Last Days (announcement of the End of the world and Last Judgment) ------------------------------- The Mission of proclaiming the #Pure_Truth, in area of balkan, is led by APOSTOLE OF JESUS CHRIST: Lorens Novosel