The Enemy Within Docuseries Verified


THE ENEMY WITHIN, a 3-episode true crime, psychological docu-thriller, dives into the mind of one of the most controversial CEO’s of all time. Patrick Byrne, the founder/CEO of, rose to the height of financial success and was once heralded as a Wall Street prophet and the “Bitcoin Messiah” by Wired Magazine. However, in 2019, Byrne seemingly slipped into madness— he quit his position as Overstock CEO and claimed he was a government asset, being used by the “deep state” in a game of domestic espionage. Spinning tales of trysts with an alleged Russian spy, FBI initiated bribes against presidential candidates, and failed attempts to alert the powers that be to the cancer metastasizing throughout the halls of American power-- Byrne eventually finds himself sneaking into the Oval Office during the last days of the Trump Presidency-- and unwittingly becomes embroiled in the darkest political day in recent American history—January 6, 2021. Inspired by the Academy Award winning documentary THE FOG OF WAR by Erroll Morris, THE ENEMY WITHIN asks the question-- are there dark forces within government using people like Patrick Byrne to control world events? Or has our culture become a place so ripe for conspiracy that we become a threat to society-- our own worst enemy?

Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution


Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution is a feature-length documentary currently in post-production. The film is intended to break down common misconceptions about homeschooling, encourage a flood of new families to homeschool, and equip those already homeschooling to do it well. The film follows host, Yvette Hampton, as she travels the country with her family, meeting other homeschoolers and education experts in an effort to learn the secrets of successful homeschooling and to tell the story of the millions of people who have been impacted by the homeschool revolution. As viewers follow Yvette on this journey and share in her challenges and victories, they will gather the necessary resources and encouragement to homeschool with excellence — to start strong and finish well! If you believe in homeschooling, please partner with us by making a tax-deductible donation at Schoolhouse Rocked Merchandise -

Les archives de MARCUS (The Bridge)


MARCUS's archives - French & English channel. A - Mofidier l'histoire par l'effacement des preuves a toujours été leur stratégie. A l'ère digitale le phénomène est plus grave encore. Il devient vital d'archiver et de partager tant que possible. Changing history by erasing evidence has always been their strategy. In the digital age, the phenomenon is even more serious. It becomes vital to archive and share as much as possible. ------------------------------------------- B - Cette chaîne a également l'ambition, tout au moins l'espoir de servir de "pont" entre le monde francophone et anglophone, qui ne se connaissent pas (ou si mal), ne se comprennent pas et communiquent si peu. Dans les temps critiques actuels, il est essentiel que les hommes de bonne volonté de chaque côté des deux univers cloisonnés, se parlent. L'issue du combat entre les forces du mal et du bien, en dépend... This channel also has the ambition, at least the hope of serving as a "bridge" between the French-speaking and English-speaking worlds, who do not know each other (or so badly), do not understand each other and communicate so little. In the current critical times, it is essential that men of good will on either side of the two compartmentalized universes speak to each other. The outcome of the fight between the forces of evil and good depends on it... ------------------------------------------- Dans cet effort gigantesque mais nécessaire, j'apporte ici ma modeste contribution, ce qui m'est possible de faire à mon petit niveau. Si chacun à son propre niveau contribuait un minimum à la bataille, l'énergie accumulée sur la planète entière, comme une lumière éblouissante, serait la plus puissante jamais recuillie dans toute l'histoire ! La plus puissante... après celle de notre seigneur Jésus Christ et de Dieu son père. Nous avons ce pouvoir en nous. Nous l'ignorons simplement. Il est temps ! Relâchons tous ensemble, main dans la main, ce pouvoir sur le monde et réduisons ces démons en poussière... In this gigantic but necessary effort, I bring here my modest contribution, which is possible for me to do at my small level. If everyone at their own level contributed a minimum to the battle, the energy accumulated on the entire planet, like a dazzling light, would be the most powerful ever gathered in all history! The most powerful... after that of our lord Jesus christ and God his father. We have this power within us. We just ignore it. It's time ! Let's all together, hand and hand, release this power on the world and reduce these demons to dust... juin (june) 2023, Marcus F.

blind android users podcast


Making Android Speak for itself and demystifying the myth about its accessibility from a blindness perspective! At Blind Android Users, we strive to make Android understandable, thus demystifying the claim by some who continue to perpetuate the myth among unsuspecting blind folks that Android isn’t usable by the blind. For this reason, Blind Android Users exist to set the record straight and provide tools, tutorials (in both written and audio) via our weekly podcast (Blind Android Users Podcast) where we go through what Android is all about and how to use it as a blind or visually impaired person. Android is the world’s biggest mobile platform and at Blind Android Users, we intend to make it possible for blind and visually impaired people to fully take advantage of the platform.

Fujifilm User Channel


This channel was created for testing purposes. I test the settings and take a photo or record a video. I do it in my free time, irregularly and when I have an idea or desire. It's just a hobby outside of normal work. I have no plans to turn this channel into a new source of income or to get a new job. After a long analysis of various types of photographic equipment, I chose Fujifilm as the one that suits ME best. What is important to me is the most accurate reflection of the reality I see, and this is what I found in the X-T1 and now X-H2 models. I don't rule out other models in the future, but for now both are brilliant. Most movie and photo locations: Berlin/Germany or Northern Italy