Jamesons Travels Verified


JT was a Marine for over twenty years and had seen his fair share of action. He served with honor, never wavering from his dedication to the United States of America and its military. Now that he's retired, he has taken up a new mission: exposing stolen valor, woke ideology in the military, as well as some of the fun and crazy things that happen too! Through his Rumble and Locals channels dedicated solely to these topics, Jameson offers an honest take on what goes on behind closed doors - something only those who have been there can fully understand. He speaks openly about issues such as recruitment tactics used by recruiters at times or experiences veterans have when they first transition out of active duty service. But it isn't all serious topics; Jameson also shares stories from overseas deployments where fellow Marines did hilarious pranks or amazing feats which deserve recognition. So if you're looking for real talk about current events in the military landscape - or want to hear some funny stories from combat vets - then subscribe to Jameson's Travels today!

Christian Warrior Training


If you love guns and you love Jesus, you're in the right place. The Christian Warrior is focused on giving you the knowledge and skills to protect your church. We do this by giving you shooting drills, qualification standards and training ideas. If you have a love for our Lord and Savior and have a capacity to protect your fellow man, then you are in the right place. Romans 13:4 #securitytraining #securityyourchurch #churchdefensetraining #ministrysecurity #schoolsecurity #churchsecuritycameras #ministrysecurityvideo #securityclasses #selfdefenseplanforchurch #churchselfdefensetips #securityteam #security,training #selfdefensetraining #securityguard #church #activeselfprotectionextra #activeselfprotection

Desert Trails


Having wanderlust I explore lost, forgotten and remote places. With that, several people that I have taken out into the desert kept saying I needed to start a channel and share my adventures with others. So here it is. On this channel I will do my best to present to you all kinds of adventures/stories and sites that are remote and not easy to get to. Along with video and images I take at these different sites, I also take 360 images to better document the sites as they were when I visited them. These 360 images are being posted at: https://www.360cities.net/profile/deserttrails Join me on my little adventures! PS : Please do not ask me where these sites are located or if I can give you a map to the locations etc etc.... Locations will not be revealed so please respect that. Only if the site is protected and it is part of the national parks network I will use the actual name of the site. Other than that, please don\\\\\\\'t ask. Thank You.\\r\\n\\r\\nSupport via donation:\\r\\nSubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/desert-trails

Chemical Trails


Question for written answer E-005130-17 to the Commission Rule 130 Michał Marusik (ENF) Citizens, farmers and numerous environmental organisations, both in Europe and on other continents, show continued interest in long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft. Particularly disturbing are the reports on chemtrails, chemical trails caused by spraying chemicals in the atmosphere in an effort to change weather (geoengineering) and damage the environment and human health. Is the Commission aware of chemtrails and of any instances of their being used in the EU? Has the Commission taken any action so far to analyse that phenomenon and evaluate its effect on the environment and EU citizens? How does the Commission plan to protect EU citizens against such activities?

On the Mewve RV Travel


Hi friends! We are the Mew family of 4 who love to travel so we get out On the Mewve, a little play on our name and our love of travel. In 2019, we bought a 30 ft. travel trailer and decided to make our dreams happen by getting out on the road. Kelli and Wilson have always LOVED traveling and now RVing has given us opportunities to see more and make tons of memories as a family. We are teachers and are blessed to have the same "vacation" schedule, so we make the most of it with our kids by being both weekend warriors and "school schedule" travelers--We call ourselves part-timers. We hope to share what we learn while exploring this beautiful world around us and inspire you to get out and see it, too.