198 FollowersINDEPENDENT PODCAST dedicated to bring you the stories, news, events, PSY OPS, Warning you of MIS/DIS information. Showing you the facts, all sides of the stories for you to form your own opinion. We encourage you to do your own research to correlate, compare and contrast all things to make a logical, informed & confident decision on what you believe to be true honest, fair, unbiased journalism / "NEWS". Host/Producer: BIG "ZIG" ZELENKO Peace Of Mind Productions, LLC. ** MISSION STATEMENT: - Logical thoughts on Truthful Stories. Based on Facts, Bringing Sanity Back to Humans. ** OBJECTIVE: To bring the audience a well-rounded, deeply researched summary of the daily "news' ' that takes place on Planet Earth. To educate those just awakening & to spark "food for thought". and help those think outside of the box. To have an open mind & to understand we have been lied to about almost everything we know to be true about this reality we live in; a "Prison Planet" / "FARM" / "SIMULATION". [ To possibly say something to wake up at least ONE sleeping sheep that randomly comes across this production & begins the awakening journey ] > TO FORCE THE MSM, Fake Truthers, PAYtriots, and TROLLS to admit the truth about what we are ahead of at least 3 to 4 days in advance thanks to our DIGITAL ARMY WORLDWIDE! > To network with fellow truthers, anons, patriots, freedom fighters, sovereign, high-frequency light beings that are seekers of knowledge and truth. SOCIAL MEDIA: @TheDailyDrip17 - X @Zig_Zelenko - X @BigZigZELENKO - TRUTH SOCIAL @BigZigProductions - IG @BigZigProductions - TikTok @ThePSYOPcypher - X @BigZigMedia - X @ThePsyOpCypher17 - TELEGRAM * I.C.O.N.S. OFFICIAL AFFILIATE * Patriot & Warrior Broadcast. Loaded with Discussion, Intel, Thoughts, Ideas, and Info on current events and news in the headlines....As we are waiting for this Movie to end! We are trying to connect with other Patriots and Freedom Fighters to help us spread our voice in the Community. Especially a conduit to help the sleepers and normies when Sh*t Hits The Fan! We want to speed up the awakening as soon as humanly possible! Our Mission is to seek knowledge and Educate those still on "AutoPilot". - WWG1WGA - NCSWIC - SEVENTEEN - PEACE OF MIND PRODUCTIONS, LLC. BIG ZIG MEDIA, INC. 2006 - 2024 PROFESSIONAL EDITOR, AUDIO ENGINEER, FILMMAKER, PRODUCER, MIX ENGINEER, CONSULTANT, WRITER, CAMERA OP, PHOTOGRAPHER, VOICE ARTIST, SKETCH ARTIST, SOUND DESIGNER, SEEKER OF KNOWLEDGE, SOVEREIGN SOUL, FREEDOM FIGHTER, SMALL BUSINESS / SMALL GOVERNMENT / DECENTRALIZED / NON COMPLY / QUESTION EVERYTHING / PRAISE SOURCE "MINDED" PATRIOT OF THIS LAND. TRUTH SEEKER.