No Nonsense Christianity


I am not a man of high academic or theological stature, I do not run a formal ministry. I have one goal, to make the Bible and the path to salvation simple to understand for the ordinary man, and debunk nonsensical doctrines and damnable heresies. - Jesus is the only name under heaven that brings salvation - Salvation by grace through faith, not of works (faith in the "right" Jesus, not "another Jesus") - "Repent of your sins to be saved" is a false gospel - Eternal security and earthly chastisement of the believer - Undeniable trinity (as understood by most fundamentalists and evangelicals) - Textus Receptus (KJV) only - Rejection of judaization and ecumenicism - The Earth is a globe, but God made it in six days Email address: BitChute: YouTube:



I finally have the courage to come out and say that I identify as a Sensei Steven Seagal. I will never be the man himself-something I have grown to accept...but I now get to experience his life through his movies, his words of wisdom and the blessings he has bestowed upon humanity. I will ensure future generations know all about the man that is Steven Frederic Seagal. People(one person) often(once) ask me "What does the future hold beyond Seagal?" There is no future without Seagal- but if there must be, he will show me the way.

Nikita-Joien Women's Lifestyle


Hi there and a warm welcome to my channel, Nikita-Joien Women's Lifestyle! The world is full of images of women on TV, media and social platforms that portray a certain message of what people think the "perfect woman" is supposed to be. The reality is that we are each different, we have battles that we fight daily, some private, and some more public. But at some points throughout our lives, we go through times where we don't feel strong enough, good enough, alone, miserable and defeated. My goal is to share my story and experiences with you. I want to motivate you in being the BEST version of the woman you were created to be! So join me on my channel where I'll be sharing with you my best advice on beauty, health, style and the deep issues of life as a woman. I look forward to connecting with you... And always remember, Life is tough, BUT SO ARE YOU! 😉 🛒 BEST PRODUCT RECOMMENDATION KITS 👇🏼