Virtual Doctor Visit Holistic Health Dr.Kish ,D.C & Minister


To work with me Via ZOOM, send me email request:, ( California Time Zone ) . See my website for more information on how I work with others on Zoom. If you would like in person also send me email. My holistic health coach approach to ones individual needs builds a strong bond with my patients and having a provider beyond office visits over zoom is extremely private and relaxing, achieving your health goals. Contact your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions. This channel is not substitue for professional diagnosis and treatment. Welcome to my holistic health healing minister channel.This channel is to share information, insight to daily common health issues providing education and solutions. You have made a wise decision in taking proactive approach for your health and well- being. We must understand everything is connected and address issues finding the root cause of your discomfort. I wish all of you and your loved ones the GOD given gift of health. Please take notes start your own journey into your insides and how they work. I believe the body self healing and with our intention and attention to our insides it cascades healing to the outside. Medical information found here is provided as information resource only, not to be used on relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. this info is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient physician relationship, not substitute for Professional diagnosis

Historinhas bíblicas, Bonecos que tornam muito mais divertido o aprendizado da Bíblia, atividade e louvor para ministério infantil


Seja bem vindo ao canal Sementinhas de Jesus, um canal criado com muito amor ao ministério infantil, para ensinar a palavra de Deus aos pequeninos! Estamos muito felizes em tê-lo aqui no nosso canal! Esperamos que goste do nosso conteúdo e compartilhe! "Ensina a criança no caminho em que deve andar; e até quando envelhecer não se desviará dele". Provérbios 22:6

Barry and Shiena Mae Ministries


My name is Barry or Bro. Barry and I serve at, we serve the Camden homeless and community with food, clothing, prayer, and the Gospel of Jesus, the Good News. You can see our ministry, we are noticed for the Jesus Trucks. This channel is NOT the official page, but I am a Servant of Jesus Christ, a faithful believer, born again, holy ghost filled, bible follower. Shiena Mae lives in Lancagon Kagawasan Guihulnagan Negros Oriental, Philippine's and these are recordings from her church and their street ministry. Shiena Mae is the Youth Preacher and her father, Pastor Wilson V. is the head Pastor