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Avalerion Awakes


Nederlands\\\\n\\\\nAvalerion Awakes is een initiatief dat is ontstaan nadat het duidelijk werd dat er een groeiende en alarmerende mate van censuur in het Westen is ontstaan sinds het begin van de coronapandemie. Waarbij zelfs artsen en wetenschappers grootschalig worden gecensureerd en nauwelijks kunnen deelnemen aan het publieke debat op de mainstreamkanalen om het officiële narratief te bekritiseren en enige invloed op het coronabeleid te hebben.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nMet een slogan als ‘Quest for Truth’ staat waarheidsvinding altijd voorop, waarbij vrijheid van pers en vrijheid van meningsuiting de basis vormen. Toegang tot informatie staat hoog in het vaandel, zodat mensen in staat zijn om zelf onderzoek te doen en hun eigen conclusies te trekken.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nMet een academische achtergrond op het gebied van moleculaire biologie & biochemie, past het initiatief ook een academische aanpak toe in de onderzoeken die het publiceert. Het initiatief richt zich m.n. op de coronapandemie en probeert om onderdrukte en gecensureerde informatie boven tafel te krijgen en op een overzichtelijke manier te presenteren, met een brede kijk op globaal niveau. Het werk wordt altijd zoveel mogelijk ondersteund met bronnen die ter beschikking worden gesteld aan de kijkers en lezers.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nEnglish\\\\n\\\\nAvalerion Awakes is an initiative that started after it became apparent that a growing and alarming degree of censorship has emerged in the West since the start of the corona pandemic. Where even doctors and scientists are being censored on a large-scale and can barely participate in the public debate on the mainstream channels to criticize the official narrative, nor have any influence on corona policy.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nWith a slogan like \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Quest for Truth\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\', truth-finding is of paramount importance, with freedom of the press and freedom of expression at its core. Free access to information is of highest importantance, so people are able to conduct their own research and draw their own conclusions.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nWith an academic background in molecular biology & biochemistry, the initiative also applies an academic approach to the studies it publishes. The initiative focuses particularly on the corona pandemic and tries to uncover suppressed and censored information and to present it in an orderly manner, with a broad view on a global level. The work is always supported with as many references as possible, which are accessible to the viewers and readers.

Investigation Center UKR LEAKS


I'm Russian. I’m one of those millions of Russians who was born and lived the whole life in Ukraine. School, institute, army... From 1999 to 2018 I was the employee of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU). Most of my life I worked as an operative. From May 2014 up to the beginning of 2018. I worked in the Central office of the SBU at the headquarter of the antiterrorist center. Since April 2014 I have provided assistance for Russia’s special services. I have made up my mind on ideological bases and absolutely selflessly. The reason is the Maidan events in late 2013 and early 2014. I am convinced that it was coup d’etat in Ukraine. People came into power pursue anti-national and criminal aims. This authority is not mine. Understanding of the situation taking place in Ukraine led me to the idea of counteracting. I love Ukraine. But where there are no killings of innocent for the fact that they express opinion different from others. And while this authority will be in Ukraine I will continue to fight the power. By all possible means. I'm free from any commitments and I'm starting my own project. Journalism became my calling. I write books and investigate. On my website I will expose the crimes and lies of the villains who seized power after the Maidan events. Welcome to Vasily Prozorov Investigation Center.

Old Is Gold


Hi guys, Welcome to my channel "Restoration Circle" This channel is all about unique restorations, DIY, restoring vintage classics & antiques.and fixing things that are broken and other projects i hope you will enjoy. I like metal casting and I pay a lot of attention to the details of my projects. or making something new. So i have created this channel to share my work. If you have something to restore for me you can send me pictures of the item on Instagram or e-mail.