Videos von Markus Herbert - Tore zum Himmel/Gateways to Heaven


Markus Herbert hat schon über 750 Videos bzw. LiveStreams für verschiedene christliche YouTube bzw. Rumble Kanäle produziert (u.a. für Frank Krause, Kingdom Life NOW und Henk Bruggeman), eingeschlossen die Betreuung der dazugehörigen Webseiten. Er spielt Percussion in mehreren Lobpreisbands und ist dadurch deutschlandweit auf verschiedenen Konferenzen und Seminaren (BEWEGEN, Kingdom Life NOW, Frank Krause) seit über 12 Jahren unterwegs, manchmal auch mit eigenen Vorträgen. Mehr gibt es auf seiner Webseite und seinem Podcast ‚Gateways to Heaven‘ (Tore zum Himmel) zu sehen bzw. zu hören. Er arbeitete 25 Jahre als selbständiger Unternehmensberater im Computersektor, bis ihn Gott zu einem Sabbatjahr inklusive Verlängerung überreden konnte. Mit seiner Frau Esther lebt er in Würzburg.

“Talents America’s Spotlight”


“Experience the pinnacle of talent and creativity on the grand stage of ‘Talents Illuminated: America’s Spotlight 2023.’ Witness awe-inspiring performances, extraordinary skills, and captivating acts that redefine entertainment. From heart-stopping acrobatics to soul-stirring musical renditions, this show celebrates the essence of talent across the nation. Join us as dreams unfold and stars rise in a spectacular showcase of brilliance and innovation.” 💥⭐️

CosmicFlix & ToonTales HD


Channel Description: Welcome to CosmicFlix & ToonTales HD, your gateway to a universe of high-definition entertainment! 🚀🌟 🎬 About Us: Dive into the world of blockbusters, timeless classics, and mind-bending NASA documentaries with our carefully curated selection of HD movies. From interstellar adventures to heartwarming animated tales, we've got it all in stunning clarity. 🚀 Explore the Cosmos: Embark on a journey through the cosmos with our NASA collection. Witness the wonders of space exploration, groundbreaking discoveries, and breathtaking celestial phenomena like never before. 🎉 Features: ✨ High-Quality HD Videos: Immerse yourself in the finest visual and audio quality. 🍿 Movie Magic: Experience the magic of Hollywood's greatest hits. 🌌 Space Odyssey: Discover the mysteries of the universe with NASA's finest moments. 🤩 Animated Adventures: Relive childhood memories with timeless cartoons. 🔥 New Content Weekly: Stay tuned for fresh, exciting additions every week. Join us as we blend the realms of science and storytelling, transporting you to new dimensions with every click. Subscribe now and let the journey begin! 🌠🍿🌌 #Movies #NASA #Cartoons #HDVideos #Entertainment #SpaceExploration #Adventure #FamilyFun #CosmicFlixToonTalesHD

Dazzling Star Dust


If you are fascinated by space, galaxy, air, technology and planets, then you have come to the right place. This channel is all about the wonders of the universe, from the sun to the stars, from the earth to the moon, from the planets to the asteroids. You will watch videos that will teach you about the solar system and its planets, how they formed and what makes them unique. You will also see some of the most amazing images and videos of the milky way galaxy and other galaxies. You will also get to know some of the secrets and mysteries of the universe, such as black holes, worm holes, alien life and more. This channel is for anyone who loves space and wants to know more about it.

The Brand, Sweat, & Tears Podcast


The Brand, Sweat, & Tears podcast consists of interviews with the coolest consumer product Creators and Founders, the innovators and inventors who are bringing (or who have brought) amazing new products to life, that have the potential to benefit a large number of people. The purpose of the podcast is to inspire more Creators to get the great ideas out of their heads and into the world, while also giving consumers the chance to get to know these Creators and the purpose and vision behind the brands they are building.