5 months agoKept Innocent Black men in jail for free labor #kamalaharris #bidensamerica #YourGovernmentHatesYouScrufStuff
8 months agoWe Don't wanta fight your wars #youngpeople #bidensamerica #yourgovernmenthatesyouScrufStuff
8 months agoTeacher hold mock slave auction #youngpeople #bidensamerica #yourgovernmenthatesyouScrufStuff
1 year agoHe knows what's going on in Maui Hawaii #yourgovernmenthatesyou #landgrab #fire #biden #trumpUncleScruffy
1 year agoWho needs a warrant anymore? your goverment takes your rights! #yourgovernmenthatesyouUncleScruffy
1 year agoMore Joe Biden Past lies! wake up all parties are bad! #yourgovernmenthatesyou #bidenScrufStuff
1 year agoShe found the agenda Her eyes are open! #fyp J.d. Rockefeller covenant #yourgovernmenthatesyou #rockUncleScruffy
1 year agoAnother warning about your government! I'm telling you & so is she! #yourgovernmenthatesyou #wtf #gUncleScruffy
1 year agoNew York coming for you beef! What's next? Your state could be next! #slave #yourgovernmenthatesyouUncleScruffy
1 year agoWho needs a warrant anymore? your goverment takes your rights! #yourgovernmenthatesyouScrufStuff
1 year agoThey voted to go to war with Iran.! #YourGovernmentHatesYou #ukraine #warisaracket #iran #iranianUncleScruffy
1 year agoIs Oregon making your kidd dumb? #YourGovernmentHatesYou #underfunded #school #education #test #readUncleScruffy
1 year agoShe said Because I'm a women! is it really 🤔 #accountability #aretheywrong #yourgovernmenthatesyouyasoul
1 year agoMaui evictions Land Grab? #Maui #yourgovernmenthatesyou #oprahwinfrey #therock #nwoUncleScruffy
1 year agoMore Joe Biden Past lies! wake up all parties are bad! #yourgovernmenthatesyou #biden #governmentUncleScruffy
1 year agoJohn Fetterman talks about who you elect including himself #yourgovernmenthatesyouUncleScruffy
1 year ago#covid19 Now Mosquitoes too! #virus #nocure #health #Healthcare #yourgovernmenthatesyouUncleScruffy
1 year agoJUSTICE 4 MAUI! They government is kil*ing them! #landgrab #Biden #scam #yourgovernmenthatesyouUncleScruffy
5 months agoTo many stupid people are dangerous. Look at Congress #youramerica democrats RepublicansScrufStuff