4 hours agoEU files WTO lawsuit against Beijing. Australia and Lithuania join forces Allies are coming togetherChina Observer Videos
1 month agoWTO Decisions: Why Aren't Agricultural Victories EnforcedDaily Caller News FoundationVerified
2 months ago【NL】China's toetreding tot de WTO schaadt de Amerikaanse midden- en arbeidersklasseGloryMifan2
3 months ago美众议院中共特别委员会主席提出《恢复贸易公平法案》,拟取消中共最惠国待遇! 验证郭文贵先生早在2017年爆料:美国和欧洲一定把中共国踢出WTO,取消最惠国待遇,接下来还会把中共变成Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
14 days ago郭文贵先生2022年8月27日爆料: 国际上,特别是欧洲国家对俄乌战争没统一意见。 但在消灭中共、立法制裁、脱钩、踢出WTO上大家都是意见一致! 现在发生的一切,是不是都在验证七哥的爆料Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
2 months agoJason Trennert: China Joining The WTO Was A Massive Wealth Transfer To The American Middle Class To The Chinese Middle ClassBannons War RoomVerified
4 months ago2003年中共加入WTO后,第一个进军的就是好莱坞、美国欧洲所的媒体背后的大老板,共产党靠撒谎起家,深知控制媒体的重要性!共产党万亿投资全世界媒体的结果是什么?只能说我好,帮我掩Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
1 month agoChina Challenges US Tariffs At WTO | US Workers Face 'Buyout' Deadline | WION HeadlinesNews Empire
8 months agoLogan: "Global Cult" Made Of Foreign Factions Are Represented In Organizations Like UN/WTOBannons War RoomVerified
1 month agoHow Trump’s Trade Actions Weaken Court Power and the WTO’s Role in Global Trade - WorldEyeWorldEyeToday
9 days ago20230312文贵先生直播: #中美必有一战!中共8964血腥镇压后,当美国寄希望于共产党作为生产线代言国,奴隶14亿中国人时,开始走向巨大灾难;2002年,中共拿到北京奥运会主办权、WTO贸易资焦点Focus
8 months agoLogan: "Global Cult" Made Of Foreign Factions Are Represented In Organizations Like UN/WTOFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoTrump’s Trade War| After Mexico and Canada, China Hits Back at Trump’s Tariffs; to Sue US at WTOViren9384
3 years agoNTD Italia: WTO contro il regime. Continua la crisi dell’economia cinese, scappa anche YahooNTD Italia
2 months agoGreat News! Banks Are Ready For Currency Exchanges! #Dinar #Dong #Zim #Bank #Wealth #Money #GoldDr. Kia PruittVerified