5 months agoGHOST STORIES of M.R. James: 'There Was a Man That Dwelt by a Churchyard'DwelleroftheDark
2 years agoBest Halloween Horror--Episode 27: "Restless Waters" & "Unda; or, The Bride of the Sea"DwelleroftheDark
2 years agoBest Halloween Horror--Episode 28: "Stragella", "Ice in the Veins", and "Ligeia".DwelleroftheDark
1 month agoHALLOWEEN CELEBRATION Day 4: 'The Song of the Bats' & 'The Fear That Follows' by Robert E. HowardDwelleroftheDark
1 month agoHALLOWEEN CELEBRATION Day 6: 'Hallowe'en' & 'Tam o' Shanter' by Robert BurnsDwelleroftheDark
28 days agoHALLOWEEN CELEBRATION DAY 13: 'The Garret of Madame Lemoyne' by W.K. Mashburn, Jr.DwelleroftheDark
8 months agoVAMPIRE PIRATE HORROR: The Devil of Black Bayou-CHAPTER ONE by Jeffrey LeBlancDwelleroftheDark
2 years agoBest Halloween Horror--Episode 31: August Derleth, Mary Shelley, & Algernon BlackwoodDwelleroftheDark
2 years agoBest Halloween Horror--Episode 29: "Haunted Houses" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)DwelleroftheDark
2 years agoBest Halloween Horror--Episode 26: "The Graveyard Rats", "The Black Kiss", and "It Walks By Night"DwelleroftheDark