4 years agoVaxxpassports are a threat! CCP continues the infiltration of the world. More mouthwash!Henrik Wallin English
3 years agoWHO, NiH, vaccinated, Fauci, Bill Gates and Soros in trouble, but programmers don't get it? Audit!Henrik Wallin English
2 years agoBanks, bullying and crashes. The tips you and Tedros need. Russian vax mandate. French hooligansHenrik Wallin English
2 years agoBanks, bullying and crashes. The tips you and Tedros need. Russian vax mandate. French hooligansHenrik Wallin English
1 year agoHälso-obligationer. Hollande bekräftar att Nato förstörde Ukraina. Thailand strax. Ondska. Käbbel!?!Henrik Wallin svenska
4 years agoVaxxpass hot mot samhället! Kinakommunisterna fortsätter infiltreringen av Sverige. Mer munskölj!Henrik Wallin svenska
4 years agoNewsletter. Gun laws alternatives. The stupid ruling class and what a strong leader could doHenrik Wallin English
2 years agoActivism against child castration & big tech technocracy. Youtube's Ukraine censorship. Stable videoHenrik Wallin English
2 years agoUrsula von der Vaxxed. Ukraine, the end. Fake deadly covid. NeoCons conned. Farage decided. SwedenHenrik Wallin English
3 years agoChlorine dioxide. Smallpox ended by protests. Hemorrhagic J&J-fever. Face deficiencies. Rare earthsHenrik Wallin English
1 year agoSupport for the Ukraine war = Support to child castration. Bakhmut cauldroned. Tucker expands mediaHenrik Wallin English
3 years agoNom-nom dog. Media, big tech & states are enemies of humanity. Ivermectin, nitazoxanide, nasal sprayHenrik Wallin English
2 years agoHydrogen peroxide. Increasing vax-opposition. Who child-rape? Shit-media. Write the hero's journey!Henrik Wallin English
3 years agoMass formation=wetiko=Satan. Chlorine dioxide healing. Trucking Fudeau. People's psy-attacks. TipsHenrik Wallin English
2 years ago11 kaffe med Tintin, Fritjof, Linus, Heddahenrik, Aida Reva och Swedish RebelHenrik Wallin svenska
3 years agoOdysee/LBRY is crushing it&itself. Fake & real vaccine scares. Mind-controlled birds. Apple Swedish?Henrik Wallin English
3 years agoWhat is omicron? Dr Shankara Chetty, zero covid-death doctor/scientist from South Africa explainsHenrik Wallin English
3 years agoThis channel's progress. Justina Trudeau? Streaming. Hemorrhagic fever. Jab shit and literal shitHenrik Wallin English
3 years agoRhinoviruses destroy coronaviruses. Propaganda. Philippines&Sweden&ivermectin. Swedish Youtube banHenrik Wallin English
3 years agoPine needle tea & suramin. Dog's toddler hunt. Wikipedia=fascism. Wonderful propaganda bicicletaHenrik Wallin English
3 years agoReframing: RKF JR & Zlatan party with "enemies"? "all causes mortality" persuasion works! BenfordHenrik Wallin English
3 years agoPorsche madman. Clot Adams. Pfizer has the burden of proof. All causes ICU cases in Sweden normalHenrik Wallin English
1 year agoBank problems. Marketing. Visit sewer, smell media! Ukraine war origin and end. Eat more varied!Henrik Wallin English
3 years agoChildren's worst health problems. Omicron is vaxxing fast. Very odd Bill Gates conspiracy theoryHenrik Wallin English
2 years agoAlone on Christmas? Fighting medical tyranny. Marketing. Seed oils bad. Good bioweapons. Ice giantsHenrik Wallin English