SIGHTINGS: Searching for Debris of a Crashed UFO, Tesla's Death Ray, Update on the Alien Autopsy Film, and Can Dreams Reveal the Future?.. + More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
EXCLUSIVE: The Illuminati Will Fight Tooth & Nail Over Ukraine, "It Is The Seat Of All Evil"— Money Laundering, USAID Skimming Operations, And Child Sex Trafficking! | Alex Jones Interviews Roger Stone
Understanding the Concept of Quantum Physics and Timelines, “Destiny”, and How it Can Help You Understand Tarot [ + My Personal Comments in Description Below. ]
Sylvester Stallone Calls for a Human Future! | WE in 5D: BOOM! I Agree with 99% of This. Wheels on Luggage is Ok—Let's Not Get Crazy, BUT I Agree.. Humans are P*ssies!
Project Camelot: “America Update” 1/5/22 🇺🇸 [ OPINION ONLYYY! ] — My Notes: ❶ I don’t agree with Kerry’s belief of JFK Jr. ❷ The Timeline Detour we took at the 2020 Election does not bode well for the future!
Michael Shrimpton: Barrister & Intel Expert on The Ukrainian/Russian War, Trump, and the Future 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT — A very different [much more sensible] theory. “The truth is somewhere in between the extremes!”
Beyond the Time Barrier (1960 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Summary: An experimental pilot testing a rocket-powered craft finds himself in the future, where he discovers a society completely devastated by a plague.