Understanding the Concept of Quantum Physics and Timelines, “Destiny”, and How it Can Help You Understand Tarot [ + My Personal Comments in Description Below. ]

3 years ago

The Great Awakening can be stalled, BUT NOT STOPPED! The only argument would be: Stop waiting for it in your lifetime, especially to egotistically prove your personal “shit” to your honorary enemies. Your timing is not God’s timing, AND REMEMBER, for God [one day is 1,000 of your human years]. You haven’t EVEN lived a day to him.

Taken from YouTube Channel “Inspired”: https://youtube.com/c/Inspiredchannel

⬇️ Other Helpful Videos ⬇️

🍄 Shrooms–The Interview: https://rumble.com/vkhitb-shrooms-the-interview-my-experience-of-oneness.html

🌈 Dolores Cannon—Transitioning Into 5D/New Earth: https://rumble.com/vbqq39-dolores-cannontransitioning-into-the-new-earth-5d-earth.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng

📜 A 6000+ Year History of the New World Order, it’s Annunaki Roots, the Current Great Awakening, and the Future 5D New Earth! (1h 40m): https://rumble.com/vca5vh-new-world-ordera-6000-year-history-annunaki-roots-the-current-great-awakeni.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng

🌎 Robert Morning Sky 🌌 History of Earth, and the FULL DETAILED ACCOUNTS of The Annunaki (or the “Dak”): https://rumble.com/vbf3c9--terra-papers-robert-morning-sky-the-dakdoggod-anubisannunaki-the-global-el.html?mref=5l24d&mc=84lng

🎵 The WEin5DTarot Theme Song (Full): https://rumble.com/vie6zh-the-we-in-5d-tarot-theme-song-forbidden-the-undecided-remix.html

🪑 Me, WE in 5D Tarot, in the “Hot Seat” with Abraham Hicks: https://rumble.com/vc3iqd-abraham-hicksthe-path-of-least-resistance.html

📷 Invitation to My Instagram: https://rumble.com/vhe4l1-inviting-you-to-my-private-instagram-account-.html

⚖️ If you would like to donate in support of the WEin5DTarot channel it is deeply appreciated, and you can do so at: https://www.paypal.me/beauti7ulscars

Live & Face to Face: 30 min/$75, 60 min/$130, 90 min/$170, or 120 min/$200.

To book with me Email me at StarseedConnectionTarot@Gmail.com. You will receive a form to fill out to complete the booking of your reading.

Remember that YOU are the creator of your own reality.. every time, no exception! And no reading trumps this factor. If you don’t like where your vibration is at you can change it TODAY and the reading can guide you in how to do that.

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