“L.A.W.”—Land, Air, and Water. FYI: 99.9% Who Want to Correct Their “Straw Man Status” aren’t Even CLOSE to Ready.. You’d be LOST Attempting to Wield Your Sovereignty. There’s Still Much to Self-Learn of That. | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
NASA's WAR ON HUMANITY PLANS - Future Strategic Issues [Circa 2025] Capabilities of the “Enemy ... Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] ... Bill Stryker of DIA/Futures as the Future Threat for Global War Games - Links Below
Epidemiologists Explains How to manage an outbreak (EFFECTIVELY) #COVID19 Canadian Dr. Jeff Wilson's critic on the COVID-19 pandemic's management and how we can fix it going forward. THIS IS YOUR WAKE-UP CALL CANADA!