Explaining the 9/11 "space beam" straw man for idiots.

3 months ago

There are three basic versions of the 9/11 events.

Although differences and / or overlapping may occur, the following three versions generally describe what most people believe:

1. OGCT: This is known as the “Official Government Conspiracy Theory”.
This version states that a guy from a cave in Afghanistan conspired with 19 box cutter-wielding Muslims to hijack airplanes, outwit the USA’s entire multi-trillion dollar defense system, and cause the Twin Towers to collapse. This is the version pushed by the government and media as being the truth of 9/11.

2. APCT. I call this the “Alternate Propaganda Conspiracy Theory”.
This version states that, more or less, there were hijackings on 9/11, but the planes might have been taken under remote control to ensure they crashed as planned. Airplanes most likely crashed at the Pentagon and Shanksville, but planes definitely did crash into the Twin Towers. The Twin Towers and WTC 7 collapsed from conventional explosives and thermite, and molten metal was found in the rubble. This is the version pushed by the government and media as being the “wacko conspiracy theory” that the “truth movement” believes.

3. REAL. This, simply, is the REAL version, backed by actual evidence, Laws of Physics, and common sense: There were no hijackings, no plane crashes, and the WTC complex (not just the Towers and WTC 7) was destroyed with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).

The government and media steer clear of these.

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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