Mr Julian Gillespie is a retired lawyer and former barrister who has come out of retirement to fight the legal battle against the COVID vaccination [AUSTRALIA]
The mRNA Vaccines Are the Entry Point for Transhumanism—China's Already Doing It Dr. Malone (quoting a joint report from Germany and the UK): "We don't have any choice. We have to do it because the other guys are doing it,
7/12/21 - Fauci explains to Zuckerberg the risks associated with the experimental Covid-19 jab. 'The CV19 jab can make you extra susceptible to circulating viruses and undermine your natural immunity'. Did you know?
Fauci, Gates, and Pharma Control the Research Industry and Crack Down on Funding for Chronic Disease Robert Kennedy Jr: "[They control 85 to 90% of the budget]. They do not want anybody doing [research on chronic disease]
"How deep do Hunter Biden's China connections go?" - LISTEN CLOSE PAY ATTENTION (BodyLanguage) - SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY 100% SOLD OUT [D.S]!!! - DECENT JOB FOX REPORTER! DO BETTER!