Can the People's Health Alliance Help Us Change Our Healthcare Paradigm?

1 year ago

Can the People's Health Alliance Help Us Change Our Healthcare Paradigm?
With Principles of Peoples Health Alliance-USA Todd Sergot, Executive Director; Linda Boutilier, Development Director and Janice Montague, Operations Director

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Some colleges and hospitals are still facing CV-19 “kill shot” vaccine mandates, while allopathic providers continue to pressure their patients to use pharma-centric therapies that have proved helpless in stopping the real epidemic of chronic disease. There is a growing body of evidence pointing to conventional, allopathic medicine as being one of the main causes of chronic disease, which has exploded in America – affecting some 10% of the population in 1990 to over 50% today.

Fortunately, a silver lining of the COVID tyranny is that many have now become quite skeptical of the health “authorities,” and the acceptance of more natural and effective health approaches continues to grow, despite persecution by the FDA and state licensing boards. As RFK’s presidential campaign proves, the grassroots movement around Health Freedom is exploding in popularity and seriousness, and his new book focuses on one of the biggest factors in today’s chronic illness epidemic: over-vaccination.

Sensing the opportunity to go on the offensive, groups in the United Kingdom and the United States have organized the People’s Health Alliance (PHA). The PHA is helping further public awareness of safer and more effective integrative and bioregulatory medical approaches. It also advocates for people to be free to choose the healthcare they prefer, and is a big proponent of Informed Consent.

This is especially important today as the global elitists’ corrupt WHO (World Health Organization) is seeking to preempt all of our national health policies – via a Pandemic Accord and new International Health Regulations. The WHO has another point of assault, too, called One Health, as persecuted doctor Meryl Nass warns.

With some House Republicans trying to defund membership in the WHO and similar strategies to limit these Emergency Powers being run at the state level, more is needed. So, what will be the PHA’s role? And what are they doing to bring us closer to a much-needed and better, “new normal?”

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