7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight Predator wanted oral in the hallway by a 14 yr old little boy. COPS PULLED UPPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight POLICE OFFICER CLIFFORD HORN ,Came for a blow and go to jailPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight Kesha concert canceled for this creep.. #tcap #creeps #ny #spotlightPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight LIVE CATCH.. Pred wanted porta potty fun #tcap #ny #creepsPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight Claudio Garcia, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL called his sis after being caughtPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight this intelligence officer wasn't so intelligentPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight PRED BRINGS POPPERS AND WHITE CLAWS. ARREST ON SPOT. COLLAB W CPPPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight CREEP FROM WASHINGTON HEIGHTS WANTED TO HOOK UP WITH A 14 YR OLD BOYPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight CREEP FROM QUEENS COMES TO HOOK UP WITH A 14 YR LIL GIRL.(REUPLOAD)PredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight CREEP SWINGS AT ME AFTER TRYING TO HOOK UP WITH A 14 YR OLD LITTLE GIRL.PredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight CREEP FROM KINGSBRIDGE BRONX CAME TO HOOK UP w A 14 YR LITTLE GIRLPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight MTA BUS OPERATOR BUSTED AT CENTRAL PARK TRYING TO HOOK UP WITH A MINOR.PredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight SEXED PRED CAME FROM BRISTOL CT, TO TEACH A MINOR #BRONX #CT #TCAPPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight creep turns himself in after getting exposed.PredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight Elvis was all shook up when he encountered me instead of a14 yr old little girlPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight JIMMIE THE Walker WILSON WANTED TO HOST A MINOR #ICAC#NYPD#TCAP#FM#CREEPSSPOTLIGHTPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight Live Catch.. Rob came from NJ to see if it was real #tcap #ny #creeps #spotlightPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight PRED SAID HE BUSTED ME #NYCREEPSSPOTLIGHT #TCAP #NYPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight CREEP FROM MANHATTAN,CAME TO THE SOUTH BRONX , TO HOOK UP WITH A 14 YR LITTLE GIRLPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight Has HIV and wants to hook up with kids #savethechildren#fm#icac#nyc#tcapPredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt
7 months agoNYCreepSpotlight CREEP AKA JESSIE WANTED TO HOOK UP WITH A 14 YR OLD LITTLE GIRL.PredatorCatchingArchive by MikeHunt