25 days agoFullMetalKendo decoy appears on Music Biz Marty’s stream (Jan 16, 2022) #musicbizmartyBoyt, LOLCOWS & Trash Fire
3 months agoCyrax masturbates during sex addict meeting, doesnt take it seriously, games when not whacking itmusicbizmarty
4 months agovery disturbing revelations about chance from the grave (RIP pop-pop, we miss you!)musicbizmarty
4 months agocyrax calls his girlfriend a stupid worthless whore, drops her like worthless TRASH!!!musicbizmarty
3 months agocyrax makes Taylor look like a stupid jackass by admitting gay shenanigans/philanderingmusicbizmarty
4 months agocyrax's girlfriends been HACKED, all of their exchanges are in my hands, its SICKmusicbizmarty