ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION IMMEDIATELY Into The Information From The 2/23 Election Meeting! WHY Is Senator Wendy Rogers REFUSING To Do It? WATCH Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan Explain It All!
ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan! WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION Into Their Information IMMEDIATELY! Senator Wendy Rogers REFUSES TO DO IT! CALL & TAG HER NOW!
ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: WE DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION IMMEDIATELY Into The Information From The 2/23 Election Meeting! WHY Is Senator Wendy Rogers REFUSING To Do It? WATCH Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan Explain It All!
461: ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan! It's Time To DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION Into Their Information IMMEDIATELY! Senator Wendy Rogers Has The POWER To Do It!
#15 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - Attorney John Thaler, Jacqueline Breger, Christine Reagan! It's Time To DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION Into Their Information IMMEDIATELY! Senator Wendy Rogers Has The POWER To Do It!
#44 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Lewis Herms Tells His Story Of Calling Out Senator Wendy Rogers For Her Rude Behavior To His Audience At A Truth Tours Event - KERRY CASSIDY of Project Camelot
#14 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - We DEMAND Senate Chairman Wendy Rogers Begin An Immediate Investigation Of The Information Presented At The February 23rd Election Meeting! JOIN The 1-CLICK Email All 110 Legislators & AZ Officials - Takes 2 Minutes!
Sam Sorbo | “They Don’t Want You Praying To Your God, Because They Know They Will Lose That Battle. That Is Why We Have To Be Mighty Prayer Warriors.” - Sam Sorbo
Pastor Greg Locke | "But When He Prophesied To The Bones, The Bible Says He Then Prophesied To The Winds, And From The Four Winds The Breath Began To Breath Life And They Became A Mighty Army."