1 month agoTrump poprzez operację WarpSpeed powstrzymał wprowadzany w 2020 r. nowy porządek świata.Red Pill News
8 months agoBitcoin Ben - The [CB] Fiat Currency Is Dead, The World Is Now Shifting Into Another CurrencyX22 ReportVerified
10 days agoIs Trump going to launch a NEW DOLLAR and print away the existing fiat currency?Health Ranger Report
1 year agoEp. 3113a - Are Alternative Currencies Setup To Destroy The Fiat Currency & The [CBDC]?X22 ReportVerified
2 days agoBill Gates ujawnił swoje przewidywania dotyczące tego, co stanie się z populacją świata w ciągu najbliższych dziesięciu lat..Plan ludobójstwa
2 years agoKaty Perry Suffers Climate Change Induced Facial Spasm During ConcertTheSaltyCrackerVerified
13 days agoDavid Morgan joins Mike Adams to talk about Shift from Fiat Currencies...Health Ranger Report
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1 year agoBob Kudla - IMF Fiat Panic, The Economic Crisis Can Be Turned Around, It Doesn’t Have To Be This WayX22 ReportVerified
3 days agoDr. Shawn Baker: "Make America Healthy Again" and Ending Fiat Food Corruption | The Culture BitBitcoin MagazineVerified
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1 month agoSound money & America First fueled our rise. -- Fiat money & Empire fueled our decline.The Ron Paul Liberty ReportVerified
4 years agoEp. 2429a - It Has Begun, Conversion Of Fiat Activated, [CB] Will CounterX22 ReportVerified
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3 years agoEp. 2666a - [CB] Fiat Currencies Doomed, People’s Currency Coming Into PlayX22 ReportVerified
2 years agoBob Kudla - [WEF] Is Not In Control, In The End Bitcoin/Gold Will Rise And Fiat Will ImplodeX22 ReportVerified