3 years ago🔴Air Force One is departing for D.C. after POTUS Biden tour storm damage in western Kentucky.Canada Hub
3 years ago#KentuckyTornado | TONS of #Assange Coverage | Workers Treated Crappy | How Did We Miss That? Ep 16Indie at INN
3 years ago#KentuckyTornado | TONS of #Assange Coverage | Workers Treated Crappy | How Did We Miss That? Ep 16Extra Bulla!
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3 years ago#Kamala's Cringe | #FredMeyer/QFC Workers to #STRIKE Friday? | leftists.today AM 12/19Indie at INN
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3 years agoKellogg's SUCKS | #KelloggsStrike | [react] a clip from How Did We Miss That? Ep 16How Did We Miss That by Indie Left Media
3 years ago24-Hour SHIFTS? More Horrible Treatment of Workers | [react] a clip from How Did We Miss That? Ep 16How Did We Miss That by Indie Left Media
3 years agoMONSTER EF-3 Tornado in KY, MO & IL | [react] a clip from How Did We Miss That? Ep 16How Did We Miss That by Indie Left Media