2 years agoDR SEBI - ALKALINE & THE AFRICAN BIOMINERAL BALANCEThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
4 years agoDR SEBI - AFRICAN BIOMINERAL BALANCE CAN USE THE WORD 'CURE'The African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
10 months agoPokemon Itinerant - Fan-made Game Generation 9 mechanics, Terastal Phenomenon, Battle TowerDucumon
2 years agoSomewhere in Orlando... I Think - Orlando, Florida - October 5, 2022Time to Go International aka Itinerant Schoolmarm
2 years agoNO RUSSIAN RUBLES FOR YOU!!! - San Juan, Puerto Rico - September 28, 2022Time to Go International aka Itinerant Schoolmarm
2 years agoNO UNPACKING, HA! - Itinerant Schoolmarm - Istabul - May 3, 2022Time to Go International aka Itinerant Schoolmarm
2 years agoBlack Friday Sales - CR... UD (Family Channel) - Jackson, Mississippi - November 25, 2022Time to Go International aka Itinerant Schoolmarm
1 year agoDr Sebi - THE SUBJECT OF HEALING (FULL) & PROFESSOR SIMMONS (Patient) TESTIMONYThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
1 year agoDr Sebi Interview - ELECTRIC FOOD IS THE ONLY FOOD - FullThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
2 years agoI Just Need Them to Learn... -- Itinerant Schoolmarm - Ho Chi Minh City - June 23, 2022Time to Go International aka Itinerant Schoolmarm
2 months ago11 BENEFITS OF TAMARIND (From Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide)The African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
2 years agoDr Sebi - 90 DAYS LATER, NO DIS-EASE (FASTING) #drsebi #fastingThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
2 years agoDR SEBI - ARNICA FOR AFTERBIRTH (PLACENTA) REMOVAL - #shorts #drsebi #arnica #drsebiapprovedThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
2 years agoDR SEBI - CARROT, STARCH & The SECRET EVERYONE MUST KNOW! #shorts #drsebi #carrot #starchThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
1 year agoMUSHROOMS ARE GOOD (DR. SEBI APPROVED) - FOOD & MEDICINE #drsebi #drsebiapproved #alkaline #mushroomThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
2 years agoDr Sebi - VEGETABLES LIST - From the NUTRITIONAL GUIDE #drsebiapprovedThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
2 years agoDR SEBI - TO BE COSMICALLY INTUNED #drsebi #shortsThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)
1 year agoHOW P0ISON IN THE BLOOD STREAM AFFECTS THE HEART - #drsebi #blood #heart #heartdiseaseThe African Biomineral Balance (Dr Sebi)