2 years agoPremature greying of hair (असमय बालों का सफेद होना) #drminakshisingh #safedball#homeopathy #greyingDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoWhat is the main cause of #hemorrhoids? and its treatment. #बवासीर #drminakshisingh #homeopathyDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoWhat is the best treatment for cervical spondylosis?#CervicalSpondylosis#drminakshisingh#homeopathyDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoColouring of hair by homeopathic hair colour #drminakshisingh #safedbal #herbalhairdye #greyinghairDr. Minakshi singh
2 years ago#सफेद पानी की समस्या का समाधान। #Leucorrhoea treatment। #Drminakshisingh #safedpani #vaginadischargeDr. Minakshi singh
2 years ago#Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Remedies #homeopathic #drminakshisingh #treatmentDr. Minakshi singh
2 years ago#Hair Fall (#गंजेपन) causes & treatment #hairfall #Drminakshisingh #homeopathic #baalonkajhadnaDr. Minakshi singh