1. 11232024 Belton Holiday Hosefest

    11232024 Belton Holiday Hosefest

  2. Belton Holiday Hosefest 2023

    Belton Holiday Hosefest 2023

  3. Episode 17 part 1: Match Math with Christian Sailer, 180 Firearms Training Podcast

    Episode 17 part 1: Match Math with Christian Sailer, 180 Firearms Training Podcast

  4. Episode 17 part 2: Match Math with Christian Sailer, 180 Firearms Training Podcast

    Episode 17 part 2: Match Math with Christian Sailer, 180 Firearms Training Podcast

  5. When you call lots of bad shots but still shoot alphas?? - Renton USPSA - June 2023

    When you call lots of bad shots but still shoot alphas?? - Renton USPSA - June 2023
