6 months agoDont Be Fooled... Trump is Just Following His NWOrders (By Luciferian Cahn or Serpent)Jamesross1
10 months agoThe Vatican Means "Divining Serpent" and Lucifer is their "Red Queen" Ai Beast of ControlJamesross1
3 years ago(( Y )) Series .. WHY is the VATICAN BUILT to RESEMBLE a SERPENT WEARING A CROWN ??MosesThePug
11 months agoPope Audience Hall A Serpent? Vaticanus also Means "Divining Serpent" In LatinWilliam2222
1 month agoDirector Patel Purging FBI of Corruption But Hitting little Speedbumps + JGM Prophecies FulfilledZo6Norm
4 months agoDr. Katherine Horton Exposes the World-Wide cUlt of Freemasons and Jesuit LuciferiansFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoDirector Patel Purging FBI of Corruption But Hitting little Speedbumps + JGM Prophecies FulfilledZ06Norm
4 years agoGod's Plagues Declared as SUNDAY LAW Draws Near + END of Protestantism By The Controversy 7Susan Joy Dahl
1 year agoThe Serpent Race and the Blueprint for World Domination. Ye Serpents. Oh Ye VipersTheWarAgainstYou
2 years agoSerpent Energies Activated 🐍 for Festival of Fertility/ Valentine's day and MahaShivratri ~ Shaktiwhitegoldeagle
2 years agoFifth Dimension Is Now ~ Time & Timeline Repairs ~ Red Serpent Wavespell ~ DIVINE FLOW OF ONENESSwhitegoldeagle