Dont Be Fooled... Trump is Just Following His NWOrders (By Luciferian Cahn or Serpent)

5 months ago

Vati-can is Latin which means "Divining Serpent")
Cahn in Latin means Serpent or Dragon, you see...
Lucifer is worshiped using Latin in the Vatican.
Luciferians are all the Mystery School cUlt initiates who serve and protect the Satan-race, Homo capensis.

Luciferians like to pretend to be Christians and thus are often preachers who pretend that cUlt agenda is instead "prophesy." Cahn is just helping the sheeple follow the stage-show presented to them on the World-stage. Homo capensis monsters like to pretend what they do is fate, but you always have free-will to defy what you don't believe in and resisting tyranny is just your Creator-God Given ability to choose your path through the multidimensional probabilities(which is Creator-God endows into your physical experiences).

Freemasons are in the process of turning Western Civilization into a 3rd world country. Trump is part of the stage-show acting "the good-guy." Cahn wants you to vote for the fake politics so that you participate with their wicked stage-show. You can see already the Jihadists are being given great help in establishing their beliefs in North America. Freemason will pretend to become Jihadists to use them as a scape-goat to blame if things go bad for them.

To save Western civilization... sheeple must stop being lead by Judas goats who are rising their NWO Fiery Phoenix which I call "thUgtopia" (a Utopia for murderous thugs).
Reject the digital microwaves because it hides Lucifer in control of digitized electronics running the West.
Your cellphone is just a stepping stone for the implanting brainchips into the heads of goyim to turn them into remote-control bio-robots at any time.

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