Klaus Schwab Versus Elon Musk | Klaus Schwab & Elon Musk IN THEIR OWN WORDS Discuss: Self-Driving Cars, the Future of Money, Brain Chips, Universal Basic Income, a Carbon Tax, mRNA Technology, & More
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Why Is Larry Ellison Pushing AI & mrNA Vaccines? Is RFK Jr. Pro-Life? Why Is the World Economic Forum Pushing Cryptocurrency, Self-Driving Cars & mRNA Technology?
Klaus Schwab Versus Elon Musk | Klaus Schwab & Elon Musk Discuss: Self-Driving Cars, Future of Money, Brain Chips, Universal Basic Income, a Carbon Tax, mRNA, & More + RFK Jr. Endorses CDV Vaccine Schedule
Flying Cars? | "(Roadster) It's Going to Have Some Rocket Technology In It. To Combine the SpaceX & Tesla Technology to Create Something That's Not Even Really a Car. Totally Jetsons Vibes. O-60 In Under 1 Second." - 3/18/2024
World Economic Forum | Why Is the World Economic Forum Pushing mRNA, Cryptocurrency, Self-Driving Cars & Brain-Computer Interfaces? Why Are Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari & Elon Musk Pushing These Agenda Items?
Los Angeles Fires | Los Angeles Fires Explained | The Smart LA 2028 Seminar, "I Had a Discussion With the Mayor of Los Angeles Who Told Me In 2030, Los Angeles Will Be PRIVATE CAR DRIVEN FREE." - Klaus Schwab (10/10/2024)
Bitcoin | Can BlackRock Control Bitcoin? "In Theory the Amount of BTC That Is Held By Satoshi, BlackRock, MicroStrategy Or Other Bitcoin Whales Doesn't Matter?" + Why Is Klaus Schwab Excited About Blockchain & Self-Driving Cars?
Elon Musk | Who Is Elon Musk? Why Are Elon Musk & Klaus Schwab Pushing Self-Driving Cars, mRNA Technology, Artificial Intelligence, a Carbon Tax, Cryptocurrency & The Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Elon Musk | "We Feel Confident In Being Better Than Human Driving In 3 Months (Q2 of 2025). That's Happening This Year w/ Tesla & This Is a Software Update to Our Cars. It's the Same Car & It Got a Software Update." - 1/8/2025
Bitcoin | Bitcoin, Bitcoin & More Bitcoin? Can BlackRock Control Bitcoin? Why Is Klaus Schwab Excited About Blockchain & Self-Driving Cars? What Is the History of Bitcoin? Is America Sprinting Towards a Cashless Society?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Why Is Elon Musk Pushing the Following Agenda Items? Chip In Your Head (Neuralink), 30,000 Low-Orbit Satellites, Self-Driving Cars, mRNA Technology, AI, Humanoid Robots, Carbon Tax & Universal Basic Income
Bitcoin | Bitcoin, Bitcoin & More Bitcoin? Can BlackRock Control Bitcoin? Why Is Klaus Schwab Excited About Blockchain & Self-Driving Cars? What Is the History of Bitcoin? Is America Sprinting Towards a Cashless Society?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "Musk, He's Literally Building With His Companies Most of the Backbone for the Great Reset.” + Why Is Elon Musk Developing mRNA Technology, Neuralink, Self-Driving Cars, & A Large Conservative Following?
Elon Musk | What Is Elon Musk's Vision for the Future? "We Are Venturing Into Deep Sci-Fi Here. I Would Recommend Iain Banks, Culture Books." - Elon Musk + Brain Chips, Self-Driving Cars, mRNA Technology, AI, Carbon Taxes, Etc.
Elon Musk | "Everything We've Developed for Our Cars, the Batteries, Advanced Motors, the AI Inference Computer, It All Applies to a Humanoid Robot. Your Own Personal R2D2, C3PO. This Will Be the Biggest Product Ever."
Elon Musk | "The Only Action needed to Solve Climate Change Is a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Why Are Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari Calling for a Carbon Tax, mRNA Modifying Nanotechnology Vaccines, Self-Driving Cars & UBI?
Bitcoin | "When I Wrote This Book (The Fourth Industrial Revolution), Some of the Reaction, Oh This Is Science Fiction. Today, Bitcoin Have Become a Reality of Our Lives. Self-Driving Cars, etc..) - Klaus Schwab (May 13th 2019)