3 years agoBEST OF DASHCAMS - DRIVING FAILS, INSTANT KARMA & WTF Compilation | CarCrashesTime 2022MThakur
1 year agoDriver of the car next to me doesn't understand how aninner right-turn-only lane works!Caught on Crash Cam
1 year agoMy wife got distracted and as the result she rear-ended nice little Lexus!Caught on Crash Cam
1 year agoDriver of the sedan cuts me off, and the road was very icy when I hit the brakes.Caught on Crash Cam
1 year agoDriver of the red SUV fails to yield whenmaking a left turn at the intersectionCaught on Crash Cam
1 year agoDriver of the blue car fails to yield when turning left at the intersection!Caught on Crash Cam
1 year agoBlack Hawk helicopter makes an emergency landing on the road during rush hour.Caught on Crash Cam
1 year agoDriver doesn't check mirror and shoulder and makes a turn across two lanes!Caught on Crash Cam
1 year agoCar driver was ok, but was trying to claim it was of the semi drivers fault.Caught on Crash Cam