11 months ago✝️🕯️🩷🌻🙌🏼 H O L Y M O N D A Y | As you embark on this Blessed Monday GOD BLESS!makeamericaglamagain
11 months ago✝️🕯️🩷🌻🙌🏼 H O L Y M O N D A Y | As you embark on this Blessed Monday GOD BLESS!makeamericaglamagain
9 months agoBlessed Are Those Who Believe: A Reflection on John 20:29 #dailybible #John20v29Daily Bible Reflections
1 year agoOne of the most relatable versus in the Bible #BibleWisdom #Divine #Life #Faith #Inspiration #TruthsDcrypTos
1 year agoAnchor your faith in Jesus #FocusOnJesus #FaithInEverySeason #AnchorOfHope #WalkWithFaith #BelieveDcrypTos
1 year agoAnd God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM" #GodsMercy #GodsForgiveness #GodsPeace #SeekingGod #JesusDcrypTos
1 year agoAMAZING MOTIVATION FOR YOU!!!! The Lord has you! #god #jesus #holyspirit #love #faithDcrypTos