1. Whenever you face a challenge, remind yourself that God is in control.

    Whenever you face a challenge, remind yourself that God is in control.

  2. ✝️💔🙏🏼🥀🕯️In preparation of Jesus’ resurrection on Blessed Sunday…

    ✝️💔🙏🏼🥀🕯️In preparation of Jesus’ resurrection on Blessed Sunday…

  3. ✝️🕯️🩷🌻🙌🏼 H O L Y M O N D A Y | As you embark on this Blessed Monday GOD BLESS!

    ✝️🕯️🩷🌻🙌🏼 H O L Y M O N D A Y | As you embark on this Blessed Monday GOD BLESS!

  4. ✝️🕯️🩷🌻🙌🏼 H O L Y M O N D A Y | As you embark on this Blessed Monday GOD BLESS!

    ✝️🕯️🩷🌻🙌🏼 H O L Y M O N D A Y | As you embark on this Blessed Monday GOD BLESS!

  5. Blessed Are Those Who Believe: A Reflection on John 20:29 #dailybible #John20v29

    Blessed Are Those Who Believe: A Reflection on John 20:29 #dailybible #John20v29

  6. Confess and be saved!

    Confess and be saved!

  7. Rely on the Lord NOT other people

    Rely on the Lord NOT other people

  8. Why have MORE and MORE people waked up? I'm one of them as well!

    Why have MORE and MORE people waked up? I'm one of them as well!

  9. One of the most relatable versus in the Bible #BibleWisdom #Divine #Life #Faith #Inspiration #Truths

    One of the most relatable versus in the Bible #BibleWisdom #Divine #Life #Faith #Inspiration #Truths

  10. Anchor your faith in Jesus #FocusOnJesus #FaithInEverySeason #AnchorOfHope #WalkWithFaith #Believe

    Anchor your faith in Jesus #FocusOnJesus #FaithInEverySeason #AnchorOfHope #WalkWithFaith #Believe

  11. And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM" #GodsMercy #GodsForgiveness #GodsPeace #SeekingGod #Jesus

    And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM" #GodsMercy #GodsForgiveness #GodsPeace #SeekingGod #Jesus

  12. AMAZING MOTIVATION FOR YOU!!!! The Lord has you! #god #jesus #holyspirit #love #faith

    AMAZING MOTIVATION FOR YOU!!!! The Lord has you! #god #jesus #holyspirit #love #faith

  13. One of the most relatable versus in the Bible

    One of the most relatable versus in the Bible

  14. The ONLY time you can actually TEST God?

    The ONLY time you can actually TEST God?

  15. ✝️🕊️🌅💐🩷🙌🏼 HE HAS RISEN 🙌🏼 Jesus is ALIVE! REJOICE! HALLELUJAH!🙌🏼

    ✝️🕊️🌅💐🩷🙌🏼 HE HAS RISEN 🙌🏼 Jesus is ALIVE! REJOICE! HALLELUJAH!🙌🏼
