1 month ago♰ Border Patrol AquaMarinez Fanumb Squad / Memphis Grizz MoneyLine | S2 E24 ♰Danny Fanumb Live
1 year agoAnubi. L'IA morirà, e gli umani andranno su un nuovo pianeta senza notare il passaggio.Regina AnRa - Anubi
5 months agoPhysics Help: Coulomb's Law: The charges q1=2.6 x 10^(-7) C, q2 = -7.0 x 10^(-7) C, .Find forcesaxi753
6 months agoPhysics Help: Coulomb's Laws (Use for Assignment, Exam, and Test): Find the electric force and fieldsaxi753
1 year agoMost awkward gym moments - Funny gym fail compilation!🤣 #Sport #funny #mrbombWatch , laugh and enjoy