1. Topic du jour: Football or nah?

    Topic du jour: Football or nah?

  2. Topic du jour: Do you want to live Minimalist?

    Topic du jour: Do you want to live Minimalist?

  3. Writing Self-Help & Wellness Books with Jerry Snider - How To Write A Novel, Screenplay Or Story

    Writing Self-Help & Wellness Books with Jerry Snider - How To Write A Novel, Screenplay Or Story

  4. Mirov - The French Connection and a lesson on relentlessness

    Mirov - The French Connection and a lesson on relentlessness

  5. Mirov - There Will Be Blood and Inglourious Basterds

    Mirov - There Will Be Blood and Inglourious Basterds

  6. Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - A Beta Reader's Point of View

    Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - A Beta Reader's Point of View

  7. If you like Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

    If you like Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

  8. Story Demon w/ Celeste Prater & David C. Hoke - Outlining is a Must-Do!

    Story Demon w/ Celeste Prater & David C. Hoke - Outlining is a Must-Do!

  9. If you like Captain America, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

    If you like Captain America, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

  10. How To Write A Novel, Screenplay Or Story - Rule Of Three's Pt. 2 - Putting It In Action - Real Time

    How To Write A Novel, Screenplay Or Story - Rule Of Three's Pt. 2 - Putting It In Action - Real Time

  11. If you like Robocop, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

    If you like Robocop, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

  12. If you like Mad Max: Fury Road, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

    If you like Mad Max: Fury Road, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

  13. If you like Captain America, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

    If you like Captain America, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

  14. Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - How to Craft an Antagonist People will Love to Hate

    Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - How to Craft an Antagonist People will Love to Hate

  15. Mirov - Star Trek II and how Kirk vs Khan thrilled me enough to write a book

    Mirov - Star Trek II and how Kirk vs Khan thrilled me enough to write a book

  16. Topic du jour: Do you like light or heavy movies?

    Topic du jour: Do you like light or heavy movies?

  17. Is your story clear? How to achieve clarity in your story. How To Write A Novel, Screenplay Or Story

    Is your story clear? How to achieve clarity in your story. How To Write A Novel, Screenplay Or Story

  18. Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - World Building and How to Do It

    Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - World Building and How to Do It

  19. If you like Raiders of the Lost Ark, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

    If you like Raiders of the Lost Ark, you need to read Mirov on Amazon Kindle.

  20. Mirov - Raiders of the Lost Ark and the process of brutality

    Mirov - Raiders of the Lost Ark and the process of brutality

  21. Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - Know your Genre and Theme

    Story Demon w/ Celeste & David C. - Know your Genre and Theme

  22. Mirov - Die Hard and the beauty of peril

    Mirov - Die Hard and the beauty of peril

  23. How to build your protagonist so your audience will fall in love with them. How To Create A Story

    How to build your protagonist so your audience will fall in love with them. How To Create A Story

  24. Topic du jour: Do you have Me Time built into your relationship?

    Topic du jour: Do you have Me Time built into your relationship?

  25. Topic du jour: Eyebrows, eyelashes, and all the things women have to do and men don't.

    Topic du jour: Eyebrows, eyelashes, and all the things women have to do and men don't.