1. FARTHER into the BACK of the Abandoned "Reserve Mines"... (PREVIEW) #abandonedmines

    FARTHER into the BACK of the Abandoned "Reserve Mines"... (PREVIEW) #abandonedmines

  2. Exploring an ABANDONED... Rock Town?... and VERY old Lost Mines! (Preview) #abandonedmines

    Exploring an ABANDONED... Rock Town?... and VERY old Lost Mines! (Preview) #abandonedmines

  3. We return to enter the STRANGE tunnel we found THEN... the forest gets CREEPY #abandonedplaces

    We return to enter the STRANGE tunnel we found THEN... the forest gets CREEPY #abandonedplaces

  4. From Abandoned to ILLEGAL: Tunnels under Eastern Kentucky get a little scary

    From Abandoned to ILLEGAL: Tunnels under Eastern Kentucky get a little scary

  5. Hiking a HAUNTED trail (at night) and exploring abandoned coal mines. What could go WRONG...??

    Hiking a HAUNTED trail (at night) and exploring abandoned coal mines. What could go WRONG...??

  6. I knew it was going to happen EVENTUALLY, while exploring 100+ year-old #abandonedmines ...

    I knew it was going to happen EVENTUALLY, while exploring 100+ year-old #abandonedmines ...

  7. The Search for the LOST Blue Gem Mine gets a little... STRANGE... #abandonedplaces

    The Search for the LOST Blue Gem Mine gets a little... STRANGE... #abandonedplaces

  8. While searching for more Wildcatter Mines we stumble across something... STRANGE

    While searching for more Wildcatter Mines we stumble across something... STRANGE

  9. I MAY have just stumbled upon an ACTUAL archaeological site deep inside a National Forest!!

    I MAY have just stumbled upon an ACTUAL archaeological site deep inside a National Forest!!

  10. THIS turned out to be a MUCH bigger deal than I expected... Preview for next video "REAL Discovery"

    THIS turned out to be a MUCH bigger deal than I expected... Preview for next video "REAL Discovery"

  11. Exploring the ABANDONED Railroad Tunnels under Eastern Kentucky #abandonedplaces

    Exploring the ABANDONED Railroad Tunnels under Eastern Kentucky #abandonedplaces

  12. WHAT is Under the Reserve?? Exploring ABANDONED Mines...(We went MUCH farther in) #abandonedplaces

    WHAT is Under the Reserve?? Exploring ABANDONED Mines...(We went MUCH farther in) #abandonedplaces
