Robert Kiyosaki | The Legendary Best-Selling Author Robert Kiyosaki & CPA / Entrepreneur, Tom Wheelwright At Clay Clark's Business Workshop + How to Escape the Rat Race, Power of the Cash Flow Quadrant, Wealth Creation
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | Long-Term Clay Clark Client & CPA, Josh Spurrell Shares His 4X Growth Story www.Spurrell.CA + Brett Raio Covers "Fast Car" + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark's June 5-6 Business Conference
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "Clay Clark's Business Conference Was the Best Business Conference I've Ever Attended! A Ton of Practical Information. These Are Proven Business Strategies. BOOM!" - Josh Spurrell, Canadian CPA
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "We Heard of Clay Clark Through Our CPA (Accountant). Clay Clark Has Helped Us to Create Workflows, Time Blocks, Systems, Quantitative Scorecards for Each Department & Each Position."