1 year ago***CHEMTRAILS*** Are they spraying us? Is our air safe to breathe? EVERYONE MUST SOUND THE ALARM!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
10 months agoWho do you see in the Mirror? Do you VALUE your life? Are you the Strongest version of you?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
7 months agoCHAT with WENDY (**SHOTS FIRED** She was at the Trump Rally when HELL BROKE LOOSE!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
8 months agoCHAT with BILLY (24 years in the NAVY dropping *TRUTH BOMBS* America WAKEUP!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
7 months agoCHAT with LANCE CASTLE (Exposing Nefarious Scandal at Cannon AFB *Covid Tyranny*)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
8 months agoUNCHAINED Wellness Clinic (AO Scan details) Dr. SLAMS Western Medicine/ Talks REAL SolutionsUNMUZZLEDCHAT
10 months agoCHAT with MAGGIE (Lyme Warrior: Toxins/ Parasites/ Jabs/ Poisons/ Air/ Food/ Water/ 5g)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months ago***STEW PETERS*** Big NEWS!!! (CALLS TO ACTION) We MUST send this to Everyone!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
11 months agoCHAT with CHRISTINA (Business Owner, Entrepreneur/ Next-Gen PEMF/ Molecular Activation!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
6 months agoBig PHARMA is keeping YOU SICK! Why wait until you are suffering to seek CHANGE!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months agoSo EXCITING! They CANNOT STOP what comes NEXT! More Smoking Gun! More Flood!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
7 months agoCHAT with KELSEY (There is LIFE after CHRONIC LYME DISEASE! Warrior brings LIGHT!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
10 months agoCHAT with GERARD (Owner, STAND UP NOW/ Podcaster/ Patriot with a Powerful Testimony!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
11 months agoCHAT with SARAH (Lyme Warrior/ Bio Magnetic Lyme Kit/ More Options/ Solutions!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
5 months ago"They are coming FOR YOUR KIDS!" Real Men Leading by example Fighting Against the TRANS MAFIA!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months agoCHAT with JENNY (Author/Healer Patriotic Book: Exposing Truth/ Corruption! Amazing TOOL/ GIFT!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months ago**SMOKING GUN** The Flood Gates have been Opened!!! (Great News for AZ/ the World!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
9 months ago***HERXING HARD*** What is Herx? listen to find out... LYME DISEASE IS HORRIFIC!UNMUZZLEDCHAT