Elon Musk | Killer Robots? | "You've Got Boston Dynamics Making Impressive Robots for Awhile, Mostly Owned By Hyundai. Hyundai Is Probably Going to Make Robots Humanoids That Look Like Kangaroo On Wheels."
Humanoid Robots | "I Think the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans Will Be At Least Two to One. Somewhere Around the Order of 10 Billion Humanoid Robots." - Elon Musk (6/14/24) "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans?" (5/23/24)
Optimus Humanoid Robots | "They Will Serve Drinks At the Bar. It's a Wild Experience Having Humanoid Robots." - Elon Musk (10/10/2024) "The Number of Robots Will Vastly Exceed the Number of Humans." - Musk (9/9/2024)
A panel of AI-enabled humanoid robots take the microphone at a United Nations conference with the message: they could eventually run the world better than humans
Biohybrid robots are next revolution that incorporate living organisms into robots to optimize their performances. – International Defense Security & Technology