FlyOver Conservatives-SESSION #7: The Difference between Prophetic and Revelation | Prophetic Prayer Training with Stacy Whited and Ginger Ziegler - captions
Elon Musk | "At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery. I Would Recommend Iain Banks, the Culture Books. He Does Have This Concept of a Neural Lace." 10/28/24
Amightywind Prophecy 51 - The Clarion Call Of The 144,000! The Book of Revelation Bride! "I YAHUVEH am time itself. Who else can stop time, speed it up, or back it up?"
Trump Prophecies | Kim Clement Trump Prophecies Including: "Trump Shall Become a Trumpet (2007)," Impeachment Attempts, a President for Two Terms, How He Takes the Giant Down, GOLD, The Little DWARF In North Korea, Man By the Named Donald
Trump Prophecies | Kim Clement Trump Prophecies "Trump Shall Become a Trumpet (2007),"How Can We Have Two Presidents?” Impeachment Attempts, a President for Two Terms, Take the Giant Down, GOLD, Little DWARF In North Korea, Man Named Donald