Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: 5-24-23 – Heinous Evil

1 year ago

There are days when the recognition of the evil in this world becomes overwhelming. It’s at those times that I cry out to the Lord, “How long, O God? How long?” – just like the martyred Tribulation saints standing before the throne in the heavenly courtroom depicted in the 5th Seal Judgment of Revelation 6:9-11. Of course, my plight isn’t anything like that of these worthy men and women of God who suffer unspeakable horror and pay the ultimate price for their newfound faith in Jesus Christ. Currently, we’re only in the pre-Tribulation period, the birth-pains-phase of those horrible days when literally all hell breaks loose on this planet.

Today, what we see and experience is only a forerunner – a nauseating taste if you will – of that which is to come. That’s because there is a progression of events to get us to the point of such utter depravity, lawlessness, and chaos that occurs in the Tribulation. Each of these evils in the lead-up to that time will effectively get worse and worse. It’s just like what Jesus said in Matthew 24 that there will be wars and rumors of war, etc. but all these things are only the contractions prior to the actual delivery.

What happens in the labor process that a woman experiences? The spasms grow in frequency and intensity. This analogy from Jesus describes exactly what’s currently happening. What also occurs in labor? For one, it doesn’t stop. Secondly, it brings forth a new birth. Of course, in human labor, the result is good – a new life is brought into the world. In the progression of pains leading to the Tribulation and the resulting birth, the surface result is, frankly, dreadful. Yet, we have to look beyond our human reactions and realize God’s intent. He must cleanse the world of the sin and impurity that has overtaken it. If seen from this perspective, the eventual birth of the Millennial reign of Christ after the Tribulation is truly new life.

Today, I want to speak a little about the heinous evil consuming this world but compare it with what is to come. We have a great responsibility even in these final days, and despite how the darkness is closing in, I want to encourage you with how we can still make a difference.


Busybody neighbor

Carnival Mayhem

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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