World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders | How Does Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum Choose Their Young Global Leaders Including: Putin, Blair, Merkel, Trudeau, etc.
You'll Own Nothing And Be Happy | "Why do you want to own a cell phone? Why shouldn't you lease your refrigerator, or your washing machine, or your dishwasher? Why do you want to own it?" - Ida Auken (Young Global Leader for the WEF)
General Flynn | Why Did Klaus Schwab Step Down from the World Economic Forum? Is Klaus Schwab Alive? Biden: “I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters." - Joe Biden
Robert Kiyosaki | "Don Jr. & Eric Trump Are Fantastic Young Men! I Know the Trump Boys Implicitly. Those Young Men Are Gracious, Very Polished, Great Young Men! I'm Hardcore Let's Make America Great Again!" - Kiyosaki (8/21/24)
Klaus Schwab | Mrs. Merkel, Vladimir Putin, They Have All Been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. "We Are Very Proud of the Young Generation Like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. We Penetrate the Cabinets."
Klaus Schwab | "Mrs. Merkel, Vladimir Putin, They Have All Been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. We Are Very Proud of the Young Generation Like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. I Know Half of His Cabinet Are WEF Young Global Leaders.&q
Thomas Breedlove | "We're Going To Empower A Young Generation With The Values, The Character Traits, The Morals, That Are going To Enable Them To Be Strong And Discerning Leaders."