4 years agoMalignant Egalitarianism, Technological Narcissism (Grannon-Vaknin Conversation)Narcissism with Sam Vaknin
1 year agoRenouncement of a Malignant Narcissist: or, Renunciation of a Wicked Human Being | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstranceJ. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
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8 years agoCodependency is Not The Flip Side of Malignant NarcissismSurviving BPD Relationship Breakup
1 year agoThe Slanderous One: the Nature, Intent, and Futurity of the Devil | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstranceJ. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
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1 year agoAttention Non–Law Enforcement Perpetrators of Systematic Stalking and Harassment | Targeting Programme | Renata Murray (Mirror)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance