Death And Taxes - Delusional Trudeau

5 months ago

Cremation Is Gaining Popularity As Funeral Costs Rise

Death is expensive. When a loved one passes, you face an emotional and financial toll.

The minimum cost to transport, store and legally process a body after death in most states is $1,000. That price doesn’t include burial and funeral expenses.

More families are choosing cremation due to its affordability when it’s time to navigate death’s financial toll. Over the last 15 years, the U.S. cremation rate nearly doubled to 57%, according to industry data.

Here’s a look into why cremation is outpacing burials, and what the trend will mean for consumers.

The malignant narcissism of Justin Trudeau

Trudeau’s non-apology and lecturing about “Russian disinformation,” even though it was the Canadian Parliament that celebrated a Nazi, thereby giving a boost to this so-called “disinformation,” is amusing, given his repeated denunciation of the Freedom Convoy as a Nazi-linked movement.

About the truckers, Trudeau said, “We are seeing activity that is a threat to our democracy, and that is undermining the public’s trust in our institutions.” Trudeau, one day later, compared the truckers to Nazis and American racial segregationists. “Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas,” he said. “They can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag.”

Trudeau desperately seeks relevancy in New York City

Feeling irrelevant in Canada, Trudeau looks for affirmation in America's liberal bastion of NYC.

Justin Trudeau is leading his best life in New York right now, completely detached from the disaster unfolding at home. As his government faces a vote of non-confidence on Wednesday, Trudeau has spent the last few days campaigning for Canadian votes in the city that never sleeps.

Trudeau’s Economic Incompetence in Seven Charts

anadians can’t say they weren’t warned. Before the 2015 federal election, Conservative campaign ads repeatedly argued Justin Trudeau was “just not ready” to be the prime minister of a G7 economy. Obviously not everyone agreed with such a claim, as the Liberals won a majority government.

Trudeau tries to gaslight Canadians about his pandemic record

Canada’s federal debt doubles to $1.2 trillion under Trudeau

Trudeau’s mass migration cult is destroying Canada

When wokeness, the making sacred of historically-disadvantaged minorities, takes control of a society like Canada, the effects go far beyond plans to stock tampons in men’s bathrooms. There, taboo-driven mass immigration is not only resulting in cultural tensions but in economic paralysis and soaring housing costs.

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